History of the Federal Laws for the Education of learners who are exceptional

  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act.(ESEA)

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act.(ESEA)
    Supports many initiatives that helps low-income families access high quality education, along with free and reduce lunches in disadvantage communities. This applies to children who need additional support to benefit from public school education program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89BQWzKY-wA
  • Vocational Rehabhilitation Act (VRA)

    Vocational Rehabhilitation Act (VRA)
    This law defines a person with disabilities and the appropriate education that they should receive. It also prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities in federally funded program https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocational_Rehabilitation_Act_of_1973
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
    This is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability at schools that receive federal funding. This includes freedom from discrimination at private schools and universities that receives federal funding and should be in least restrictive environment. https://k-t.org/resources/insurance-disability-504-idea-information
  • Education Amendments Act

    Education Amendments Act
    This law grant federal funds to states for programming for exceptional learners. It provides the first federal funding to states programs for students who are gifted and talented. It grants students and families the right for a due process in special education placement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_Amendments_of_1972
  • Education For All Handicapped Children Act

    Education For All Handicapped Children Act
    This is known as the mainstream law and require states to provide a free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_IX
  • Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments

    Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments
    This law requires states to extend free and appropriate education to children with disabilities (ages 3-5). In addition establishes early intervention programs for infants and toddles with disabilities (ages birth to 2 years) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_for_All_Handicapped_Children_Act
  • American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
    This was introduced in the 100th Congress. The ADA bans discrimination on the basis of disability in the areas of employment, public accommodation, public service, transportation and telecommunications. President George H.W. Bush sign the ADA into law.
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP)

    Individual Education Plan (IEP)
    Under this law the public school system is responsible for providing special education service for your child. Part B covers children from 3-21years old, and part C covers birth to 2 years old. IEP defines the child disability and show how his or needs for learning will be addressed. The service written in the IEP must be provided to the student. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individuals_with_Disabilities_Education_Act
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvements Act (IDEIA) Amended

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvements Act (IDEIA) Amended
    This Act allows school districts to use response-to-intervention (RTI) model for determine whether a child has a specific learning disability, and no longer requires that a child have a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability to qualify. Schools must find and evaluate students suspected of having disabilities at no cost to families. https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/what-is-the-individuals-with-disabilities-education-act-idea.html
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Amended)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Amended)
    The goal of IDEA is to provide children with disabilities the same opportunity for education as those students who do not have a disability. IDEA should also provide free appropriate public education that is tailored to their individual needs. https://sites.ed.gov/idea