Nazi Germany: Rise to Power

  • Belgium ended its military alliance with France

  • Adolf Hitler was born in Brannau, Austria

  • World war 1 ended due to German surrender

  • Hitler's rise to power after world war 1

  • Nazis raided libraries and bookstores across Germany.

  • Hitler withdraws himself from the League of Natioins as well as ignoring restrictions from the Treaty of Versailles

  • Hitler becomes Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor, changing the title of president

  • Hitler called on the desk officer for racial law in the Reich Ministry of the Interior (RMI), to formulate the legal language of the laws.

  • Nuremberg Laws Published

  • The Nazis from this point on continue retreating in war

  • Colonel Stauffenberg attempts to assassinate Hitler by placing a bomb in a brief case near Hitler

  • Hitler and his wife of two days commit suicide