Nation Divided

By LillieS
  • Wilimot Proviso

    Wilimot Proviso
    Many supporters of slavery veiewed it as an attack on slavery by the North
    The issue was vital to northerners who wanted to stop slavery
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Congress finally passed five bills based on Clay’s proposals
  • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is first published

    "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is first published
    First published novel of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Kansas - Nebraska Act
    They wanted a free state
    They had an issue with slavey
  • John Brown's Masacre at Pottawatomie Creek

    John Brown's Masacre at Pottawatomie Creek
    A settler from Connecticut led seven men to a pro slavery settlement near Pottawatomie creek
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    He was an enslaved person who had once been owned
  • Lincoln - Douglas Debate "A House Divided Against itself can not stand."

    Lincoln - Douglas Debate "A House Divided Against itself can not stand."
    He does not expect things
    Does not believe
  • John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia

    John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
    He gave people weapons
    His goal was to seaz them weapons
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected as a Republican President

    Abraham Lincoln is elected as a Republican President
    Talking about Abraham Lincoln being president
  • South Carolina Secedes from the Union

    South Carolina Secedes from the Union
    First Southern state to secede
    Passed the declaration
  • Confederate States of America are formed

    Confederate States of America are formed
    They have written a constitution and named former Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis as their president
  • Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina

    Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina
    Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina