
Lavin SpaceRace

By llavin
  • NASA's Creation

    NASA's Creation
    NASA is created and assigned the responiblity to send the first man to the moon.
  • NASA choses its seven Astronauts

    NASA choses its seven Astronauts
    NASA fillay choses its first astronauts. They will become to be know as the first seven.
  • Soviets successfully launch Yuri Gagarin into Orbit

    Soviets successfully launch Yuri Gagarin into Orbit
    The soviets launch Yuri Gagarin into orbit of earth for 108 minutes then saftly landed back on Earth.
  • Alan Shepard proves America is still in the Race!!

    Alan Shepard proves America is still in the Race!!
    Alan Shepard gets launched into a suborbit and proves that America is still in the space race
  • Challanges Nation

    Challanges Nation
    President John F. Kennedy adresses congress and challanges the natation to go to the moon before the decade ends.
  • NASA Introduces New Project

    NASA Introduces New Project
    NASA announces the nes Gemini Program.
  • John Glen

    John Glen
    John Glenn is launched into orbit of Earth and successfully orbits Earth 3 times.
  • Walter Schirra

    Walter Schirra
    Walter Schirra is launched into orbit and successfully orbits Earth 6 times.
  • Mariner 2

    Mariner 2
    Mariner 2 successfully flies past Venus becoming the first spacecraft to visit a different planet. Mariner 2 enters Solar Orbit.
  • L. Gordon Cooper

    L. Gordon Cooper
    L. Gordon Cooper successfully spends 34 hours in space, He becomes the last American to fly is space alone.
  • Valentia Tereshkova

    Valentia Tereshkova
    Russian Valentia Tereshkova becomes the first woman is space.
  • President John F. Kennedy

    President John F. Kennedy
    Presideny John F. Kennedy is assassinated.
  • Rager 7

    Rager 7
    Ranger 7 transmits the first close up images of the moon.
  • Alexei Leonov

    Alexei Leonov
    Alexei Leonov spends 12 minutes outside of his spacecraft preforming the first space walk.
  • Frank Borman and James Lovell

    Frank Borman and James Lovell
    Frank Borman and James Lovell begin a two week stay in Earth's orbit aboard Gemini 7.
  • Luna 9

    Luna 9
    Luna 9 becomes the first spacecraft to soft-land on the moon.
  • Luna 10

    Luna 10
    Luna 10 becomes the first satellite to orbit the moon
  • Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov

    Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov
    Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov is killed when the parachute of his Soyuz 1 capsule fails to deploy during re-enty.
  • Zond 5

    Zond 5
    Zond 5 is launched and it holds 2 turtles and it brings them around the Moon and back to Earth 6 days later.

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the first men to walk on the moon. Therefore ends the spacrace.