
Nancy (WeiWei) Zeng's Computer's Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Abacus – 1st Century BC

    Abacus – 1st Century BC
    The Abacus is a form of mechanical device for calculating purposes. It was developed around 5000 years ago by the Chinese, known as Suan Pan (算盘) it consists of wooden frames and rods which the beads or balls are moved during a calculation. The Chinese Abacus is spllited into two main parts, with 70 beads developed to do multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, square root and lots more. There were also other forms of Abacuses like the Greek and the Roman abacus, each with unique style.
  • Charles Babbage –

    Charles Babbage –
    Charles Babbage was often referred to as ‘The father of the computer’. His motivation was to be able to create absolutely accurate mathematical tables, as there were too much tables with errors. In 1822, he began working on his ‘Difference Engine’ – A six-wheeled model, which was invented to calculate a series of values automatically. It is a mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions, which was then known as the first automatic machine.
  • George Boole –

    George Boole –
    George Boole is the inventor of the prototype of what is now called Boolean Logic, which later became the basis of the modern digital computer. Boolean Logic was developed in 1854, it is commonly used logic system now days. It is a decision making utilized by computers to decide if a statement is 0 and 1, which leads to more useful meanings, it also represents true or false, on and off, yes and no, or any other pair of opposite statements.
  • Z1 first computer –

    Z1 first computer –
    Z1 was the first mechanical and programmable computer in the world and used the Boolean logic, it was designed from 1935 to 1936 by Konard Zuse and built by him from 1936 to 1938. It weighed around 1000kg, which consisted from 20000 parts, and made of all thin metal sheets, it is driven by reading instructions from punched tapes.
  • Transistor –

    Transistor –
    A transistor can be used as both electronic switches and common-emitter amplifier. German physicists Herbert invented the point-contract independently in 1948.
  • IC –

    IC –
    Integrated Circuit replaced bulky vacuum tubes, they are mostly for making computer or processor chips.
  • GUI –

    GUI –
    GUI, which stands for Graphical User Interface, was designed to allow users to interact using images rather than text, it is used in computers, mp4players and also gaming devices. In 1973, The Xerox PARC developed Alto personal computer, which demonstrated both desktop metaphor and GUI.
  • First smartphone –

    First smartphone –
    The first smartphone was IBM’s Simon Personal Communicator in 1992, Simon was a touchscreen, handheld cellular phone. Just like smartphones we have now days, it included other applications, such as games, e-mail, calendar, address books, calculator, and even world clock.