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Nancy Cartwright - American Philosopher

  • Education

    Nancy Cartwright was born on June 24, 1944. She attended the University of Pittsburgh, as well as the University of Illinois at Chicago. She earned her BS in Mathematics and earned a PhD in Philosophy.
  • Profession

    Nancy Cartwright has taught at various universities and schools. She has taught at the University of Maryland, Stanford University, and the London School of Economics. Her current position is in Taiwan as Tsing Hua Honorary Distinguished Chair Professor at the National Tsing Hua University. Cartwright, Nancy. "Professor of Philosophy." 2020. Web. 11 Oct. 2020.
  • One of the Most Influential Philosophers

    One of the Most Influential Philosophers
    Nancy Cartwright is well-known for her views not directly relating to physical systems, but she challenges the relationship between theoretical laws and the world using interpretive and representative models. "Nancy Cartwright's Philosophy of Science // Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews // University of Notre Dame." Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. Ed. Stephan Hartmann, Carl Hoefer, and Luc Bovens. 20 Mar. 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2020.
  • Homely versus Scientific Representations

    Homely versus Scientific Representations
    Nancy Cartwright argues that there is no comparison between homely truths and scientific representations. Homely truths are those that follow a scientific claim that lacks exact evidence. She promotes formal precision throughout all modern science. "Nancy Cartwright's Philosophy of Science // Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews // University of Notre Dame." Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. Ed. Stephan Hartmann, Carl Hoefer, and Luc Bovens. 20 Mar. 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2020.
  • Current Profession

    Current Profession
    Nancy Cartwright is currently a Professor of Philosophy at Durham University and a Distinguished Professor at the University of California in San Diego. Currently, her research is based on objectivity and evidence. Cartwright, Nancy. "Professor of Philosophy." 2020. Web. 11 Oct. 2020.