My Timeline

By markers
  • Mar 17, 1501

    history of blacks in brazil in Brazil

    According to Voyages from the years 1501 to 1866 around 1,061,524 african slaves where brought to Brazil.
  • Mar 17, 1501

    history of blacks in brazil

    the history of blacks in brazil- Most of the slaves brought to brazil where from different ethnic groups. For example, West Africans and Bantus.
  • Mar 17, 1501

    slaves in spain and uruguay

    from the years 1501 to 1866 there was 5,848,265 slaves sent to spain and uruguay.
  • Mexico's hidden blacks

    This event talks about biginnig of black mexicans. People say that this may be a myth but at this time black slaves where sent on slave boats. Most of these people where cubans and haitians, but most of these slaves where africans.
  • racism in cuba

    according to Voyages-The Transatlantic Slave Trade Use estimates that 900,000 africans where brought to Cuba as slaves. Slavery in cuba was also abolished in 1886.
  • Rosa Parks

    This was the day when Rosa Parks dicided to not give in her seat in a bus.After this date she was known as the "mother of the freedom moment" and "the first lady of civil rights"
  • The Black Panther Party

    The black panther party was considered a type of "self defense". The black panthers party was first circulated in 1967. They condemned the nationaliosm as "black racism"
  • Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor

    This is when roll of thunder hear my cry took place.
  • Felix Arvid

    this is when a famous gamer called Felix Arvid was born in Gothenberg, Sweden in 1989.
  • When i was stuck in my school

    I was having a wonderful day when suddenly i found out that all the students and teachers where stuck at school,because of a surprise snow storm. I was really mad the next day because I spent the entire night at school. I am still tramatized.