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my timeline

  • newborns

    phyiscal deveiopment
    1. reflexes are uncleared behavors
    2. some reflexs are needed to surival
    social & emotional- feeding newborns will qickly grow so they will need more nutritional foods to meet tneir needs newborns will cry a lot maybe beauese they might be hungy or lonley ,tired .
    social & emotional development
    1. a type of development that involves people
    2. when babbies enter the world with uniquet traits that will later shape their personality
  • infant

    phyical deveiopment / gross motor skills
    1. learning how to control large muscles

    fine motor skils
    1. learning to control the small muscles
    2 . boys typically double in weight
    3 . girls wiil weight least then boys
  • toddler

    phyiscal develoment 1.the enviorment will affect the toodlers growth.
    2. their growth will slow down.
    3.girls will reach53% their adult weigth.
    4.boys will reach50%of there adult weight .

    intellectual develpoment
    1.intellectual develpoment- is how people learn and and what they learn
    after 2years a todler will contiune gain around 6pounds a year and grow 2-3 until the age 11 girls and boys at the age of 13
  • preschooler

    1.improved balance is still develpoing
    2. eyes, ears & brain are healty
    preschoolers will develop two kinds of balance
    reaction time beacomes shoter
    preschoolers will have a grow sprots
    intellectual development - preschoolers form metal images
    preschoolers are not selfish
    walking - gains skills to balance
    running - has shorter stops & starts
    jumping -has stronger muscles
    climming - climb with more skill due to longer legs
  • school age child

    school age child
    phyical development
    1.peers become more important

    2. kids from the age 9-12 perefers organized sports
    3.tnproved flexibalitily
    interectual development
    1.between 7-11years childeren's thoughts depend more on logic thinking and less on perception .
    2. piaget's third stage of mental development is the concreteoperation in which childeren begin to think logically but base their logic on past experiences

    3.realizing that others have defference ideas leads chlideren to ask questions.