My Place In Canadain History

  • FIrst Pakistanians to come to Canada

    South Asians first arrived to Canada in the late 1800's. Most of them were discharged British-Indian soldiers and some were labourers that had been offered a chance to move to Canada. They all found work as labourers once they arrived here
  • Women and Children Allowed to Immigrate

    After WWI women and children were finaly allowed to immigrate to Canada. This affected the growth of Canadians with Pakistani backgrounds greatly because it allowed people to build families.
  • Period: to


  • Pakistan Inependence Day

    Pakistan became it's own country and was no longer under the rule of the British Indian Empire. This means Pakistan was now it's oen country and no longer a part of Britain.
  • My dad was born

  • My mum was born

  • The Canadian Flag

  • The Immigration Act

    Prime Minister Elliot Tradeau passed the Immigration Act. Once this law was passed the population of Pakistani's immingrating to Canada increased greatly.
  • My family first moved to Canada

    My family first moved to Canada
    Although we had previously lived in the U.S wre were currently living in Pakistan.
  • I was born

  • DisneyLand

  • Cousin's wedding

    Cousin's wedding
    Even though we live here still carry on traditions from our etnical background. My cousin and her husband met in Canada.