
my life so far

By pieking
  • my birth

    my birth
    i was born
  • first hamburger

    first hamburger
    to learn moreate my first hameburger. it was homemade with a warm bun. very good tasting
  • riding a bike

    riding a bike
    this is the bike i goti learned to ride a bike when i was 4. i injoyed it
  • graduwated preschool

    graduwated preschool
    i graduwated from my local preschool
  • started doing lawn work

    started doing lawn work
    i started doing lawns and getting money
  • soccer

    to sighin up click herei started playing soccer for a local team
  • started scouting

    started scouting
    when i was 8 i stared doing scouts
  • started t-ball

    started t-ball
    to sghin up i started playing t-ball for a local team
  • the start of baseball

    the start of baseball
    to sighn upafter t-ball i wanted to do baseball. i played catcher.
  • started junior high

    started junior high
    to learn morei went to south valley junior high
  • started lacrosse

    started lacrosse
    to learn more i stared lacrosse and it is the best sport.
  • goes to mesquite high school

    goes to mesquite high school
    i started going to mesquite high school and it is 100% better then south valley
  • got my eagle scout

    got my eagle scout
    i got my eagle scout the best possable achivment for a boyscout
  • got a long board

    got a long board
    i got a long board and now i ride aboat a hour every day
  • went hunting

    went hunting
    i started hunting and it was really fun