My life... so far... a good life..

  • My life.. So far.. a good life.. 2° part

    13.i studied to be a physical therapist.
    14. in 2013 i flew to miami. 2013 i went to USA.
    16. in 2011 i traveled to nicaragua.
    17. in 2014 i visited puebla, mexico. 2009 i found my first job. 2013 i took a italian class. 2014 i drove my car.
  • my life.. so far.. a good life..

    I was born in 1986.
    2.In 1991 i learned to ride a bike.
    3.In 1992 i started the kinder garden, 1994 my father bougth me a new bike.
    5. in 1998 i finished de elementary school.
    6. in 1999 i began the high school in santa cruz.
    7.in1999 i met a new classmates in the high school. 2003 i graduated from the high school. 2004 i moved to heredia.
    10.i lived in Heredia during five years. 2004 was my first time in the university.
    12. i studied to be a physical therapist.