3b20fa7e 7546 4e3e 8a4c 3a610daaa205

My life

  • I was born

  • 1 year old

    1 year old
    I’ve learned to sit, say some words and walk.
  • 2 years old

    2 years old
    I’ve learned to run, climb in objects like sofa, bed… Also started ballet.
  • 3 years old

    3 years old
    started school, learning to draw and paint.
  • 4 years old

    4 years old
    I’ve learned to eat, take a shower, brush my teeths alone.
  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    I've learned to swim, ride a bike, slept out of my home.
  • 6 years old

    6 years old
    I've learned to read and write and jump from high places. I had my first internationalo travel.
  • 7 years old

    7 years old
    i've started hip-hop classes and I could be more independent.
  • 8 years old

    8 years old
    I've started skating and I saw many games of the World Cup
  • 9 years old

    9 years old
    I've changed school again and I had my first skating competition.
  • 10 years old

    10 years old
    I was good at many sports and I had my favorite birthday party.
  • 11 years old

    11 years old
    I've started having more subjects at school and I grew up a lot.
  • 12 years old

    12 years old
    I've started studying in the morning and it was my last year in Oswaldo. Also I won my first nacional competition.
  • 13 years old

    13 years old
    Started studying at Fundação and I got 2nd place in promotion south america competition
  • 13 years old (going to complete 14)

    13 years old (going to complete 14)
    I am studying at home because of quarentine and my face changed a lot.