My Life

By Da21285
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born as the 4 child to my parents Michele and Daniel in 2003.
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Moving to Germany

    Moving to Germany
    Moving to Germany when I was 2 years old.
  • Starting elementry school

    Starting elementry school
    I started elementry school at The International School of Dusseldorf
  • Going to Berlin for holiday

    Going to Berlin for holiday
    Seeing Berlin and all of the tourist attraction.
  • Going to Florida for Holiday

    Going to Florida for Holiday
    I liked Florida becasue there were theme parks there
  • Seeing Basketball match

    Seeing Basketball match
    Seeing Gaints basketball team play against another team.
  • Football Match

    Football Match
    Going to see Fortuna vs Leverkusen with my two older brothers in a big stadium.
  • Holiday in California

    Holiday in California
    Going to Los Angeles and visiting Six Flags and Unversal Studios. Seeing San Francisico and the Golden Gate Brigde and Alcatraz.
    Going to Yosemite National Park.
  • Moving to Johannesburg

    Moving to Johannesburg
    Arriving into Johannesburg and moving into a new house.
  • Starting school at AISJ

    Starting school at AISJ
    The first day of school in Johannesburg.