My life

By amorel
  • My birthday biological event

    My birthday biological event
    biological event
  • Period: to

    Developmantal Psychology TImeline

  • (4yrs) first day of pre k cognitive event

  • (6yrs)Broke my arm physical event

  • (7yrs)Saw the twin towers collapse cognitive event

    (7yrs)Saw the twin towers collapse cognitive event
  • (8yrs) joined girls scout social event

  • (9yrs) starred in sunny d commercialcognitive event

    (9yrs) starred in sunny d commercialcognitive event
  • (13yrs)first period physical event

  • (14yrs)graduated from middle school cognitive event

  • (32yrs)bought cbs Social event

    (32yrs)bought cbs Social event
  • 18yrs)graduated from high school cognitive event

  • (18yrs)starred in oxygen’s bad girl club social event

    (18yrs)starred in oxygen’s bad girl club social event
  • (19 yrs)starred in oxygen love games social event

  • (20yrs)became a aka Social event

    (20yrs)became a aka Social event
  • (22yrs)write a book called how to become a A student in college cognitive event

  • (22yrs)graduated from Georgetown university with a bachelor’s degree in business cognitive event

    (22yrs)graduated from Georgetown university with a bachelor’s degree in business cognitive event
  • (22yrs)have an affair with the president social event

  • (23yrs)star in show called the grad student on bravo social event

  • (24yrs)graduate from Harvard university with an mba cognitive event

    (24yrs)graduate from Harvard university with an mba cognitive event
  • (24yrs)get LASIK eye surgery physical change

  • (24yrs)open my own line of subway franchises cognitive event

    (24yrs)open my own line of subway franchises cognitive event
  • (25yrs)get boob implants physical change

  • (25yrs)buy a professional soccer team Social event

    (25yrs)buy a professional soccer team Social event
  • (26yrs)buy a NBA team Social event

  • (27yrs)start my own fortune 500 company cognitive event

  • (28yrs)build a new line of communication cognitive event

  • (28yrs)go to the moon cognitive event

    (28yrs)go to the moon cognitive event
  • (29yrs)became a senator Social event

  • (31yrs)invented the cure for cancer cognitive event

  • (30yrs)marry a billionaire Social event

    (30yrs)marry a billionaire Social event
  • (31yrs)created a reality show Social event

  • (33yrs)gave birth to my first child physical event

  • (34yrs)moved to brazil Social event

    (34yrs)moved to brazil Social event
  • (35yrs)moved back to USA Social event

  • (35yrs)received my first Oscar cognitive event

    (35yrs)received  my first Oscar cognitive event
  • (36yrs)financed Nasa-amorel the united states new and improved nasa cognitive event

  • (37yrs)gave birth to my first son physical event

  • (37yrs)become the richest person in USA Social event

  • (38yrs)ran for president Social event

  • (39yrs)became the first women president cognitive event

  • (39yrs)presidential inauguration Social event

  • (40yrs)got a roomed named after myself in the white house Social event

  • (41yrs) assassinated at a parade in a Lincoln convertible physical event

     (41yrs) assassinated at a parade in a Lincoln convertible physical event