Javi haladino

my favorite artist

  • se fueron a bogota

    se fueron a bogota
    That day his mother and father separated, he and his mother went to live in Bogotá where his mother worked as a waitress
  • le cortaron el cabello :(

    le cortaron el cabello :(
    one day his mother took him to the restaurant where a man told him that he served to make a commercial but that he had to have long hair, but in the vaccinations they took him to a girardo where his hair was cut
  • hermano?

    at that time her mom meets a man and they fall in love months later they have a son named diego and they form a family
  • su primera vez actuando

    su primera vez actuando
    in the two thousand his mother enrolled him in an acting academy, one day he saw that a lady who was in the academy appeared on tv in tons his mom decided to call her and ask her how they were doing to be on tv and she told him that she had to make a resume, take a picture and I had to take that to a place called colombiano on tv
  • saldrá en tv

    saldrá en tv
    one day he was called for a casting of a series called parents and children he won a prize after he participated in a novel called "Florece"
  • su primer video

    su primer video
    his first video was when he was little and I do it with his brother
  • vive solo

    vive solo
    her mother separated from her husband and she knew the love of her life in the United States, so she left there and Javier and her brother became happy for her and Javier started to live alone since then.
  • actuo en hi-5

    actuo en hi-5
    After three years he went to Argentina to play a role in hi-5
  • vuelve a colombia

    vuelve a colombia
    returned to Colombia where he helped some friends to make videos for youtube
  • youtuber

    became youtuber and started uploading videos since then