My Direct Democracy

  • International Crisis Convention

    Worldwide, countries are losing trust in their governments. Fear of disease, economic failure, and anarchy has come to a dangerous peak. At this convention all major political influences & ambassadors attend to discuss how we as humans are going to keep the world from falling into chaos. Everyone looks to Switzerland, who is currently the most peaceful and prosperous country. Switzerland explains how their direct democracy works, everyone agrees to try it as a last resort.
  • Conclusion of International Convention

    There were four conclusions that were agreed upon at the end of the convention.
    1.) each participating country would adopt direct democracy as their main form of government.
    2.) countries refusing to participate will be carefully monitored, and if they negatively disrupt other countries, they will be blacklisted.
    3.)Each country must abide by a basic set of principles established at the convention.
    4.) if minority factions become unhappy with their government they may leave with a charter.
  • Charter Acquired for Pacem

    The Convention produced great results, and things have over time fallen into place over the last two years. However one group in the US found that they were still not content with the way of life in the US. It was peaceful now, but the distribution of wealth was still not good enough for them. So this group, led by me (a now wealthy and retired activist) acquires a charter from the government after a month of processing. The charter is for a previously uninhabited island.
  • Arriving at Pacem

    Over a year has passed since the charter was acquired. The colony has been patiently waiting while their town and homes were being built and everything was being prepared. When they arrive it is a small group at first, but there are still homes being built in prep. for more incomers.There is a town meeting coming up after everyone settles in, in order to review the direct democracy format and the new amendments which they moved there in order to make.
  • Pacem Town Meeting

    Everyone (at least one member from each household) participates. The direct democracy format is reviewed and the Pacem constitution resembles the US constitution with the exception of the new amendments. They are
    1.) Higher education must be public, not privatized.
    2.) Salary inflation matches economic inflation.
    3.) Homelessness is illegal- hence the creation of both a mental illness facility and a addiction help facility
    4.) only violence and theft crimes are punishable by jail time
  • Signing of the Pacem Constitution

    At the first town meeting an agreement was passed out to each meeting representative, so that each member 18 or above could sign. Each agreement is brought back on this date at the second town meeting, and the new government is created. Once a month a randomized group of representatives would be selected for the town meetings, so that fair representation would be in place, and major would rule on any arising matters or referendums.