Music consumption development

  • How people used to watch music videos

    How people used to watch music videos
    From the 1990s music video consumption was a common thing, but in a very different way to that in the 21st century. The advances in technology means that the way in which music videos were viewed in the 1990s are now vastly out of date. MTV was a very popular method of viewing music videos and, with the inability to view them on the internet, it was one of the most common methods and frankly, one of the only methods. The MTV age influenced people’s view of ‘popular music’ and determined which ty
  • The MTV age

    The MTV age
    During this decade, MTV saw the rise in popularity and strength of the music video industry. It provided one of the only outlets for music videos and, with it's rapidly increasing populartiy, allowed the rise of the music video directors.
  • Video sharing internet site Youtube is laucnhed

    Video sharing internet site Youtube is laucnhed
    This is a website which would totally change the way in which music videos are consummed. Youtube allows people to watch whatever music videos they want, whenever they want, in an easy and fast way. At first it was mainly used by alternative music lovers, whilst mainstream music lovers could still watch the videos they loved on channels like MTV, 4Music and Viva. It grew in status at a fairly rapid pace and has now become one of the most popular ways of viewing music videos.
  • Youtube advertising

    Youtube advertising
    The huge rise in views for music videos on video sharing site Youtube meant that they were able to make huge amounts of money through advertising, thus starting various partnerships to make money. These advances shows the shift in ways the public watch music videos, changing from mainly television to the internet.
  • Music video television

    Music video television
    Since the rise of Youtube, MTV hassuffered. People are no longer willing to sit through music videos they don't want to see, adverts that drag on, and annoying presenters. Youtube offers an anytime viewing experience, without the fuss of adbreaks and presenters. People responded to Youtube in a far more positive way than to music video television, the beginning of a shift from the tv to the internet.
  • 4Music

    The launch of 4Music was a bold move by Channel 4, they attemped to bring the focus of music videos back to television.
  • Viva

    The launch of music video channel Viva was, similarly to 4Music, a brave move in the changing climate of music video consupmtion. The internet was slowly beginning to dominate the music video scene, but with two new music video channels that provided shows about the making of music videos, behind the scenes access and charts programmes, maybe the balance would swing back.
  • The launch of Vevo

    The launch of Vevo
    Vevo was the result of a collaboration between Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and Abu Dhabi Media, creating a record labels very own version of Youtube. This shows a need for record labels to go to, what could be considered as, extreme lengths simply to influence how the public music video consumption. Music labels can not change music video consumption unless they use the dominant tool of the internet, television is no longer a strong enough outlet to rely on.
  • The rise of reality television

    The rise of reality television
    From this time onwards it is very noticeable how 4Music and Viva used MTV's idea of reality television for their music channels, showing a need for more content to keep their channels alive. This shows how viewers watching music videos alone was not enough, viewing figures were down, the content on the music channels was widely available on Youtube. The internet was dominating the music video scene.
  • Viva is cut back

    Viva is cut back
    Viva's television hours were severly cut back during this time, no longer being a 24 hour broadcast station, but only from 9:00 - 3:00. This shows again the dominance of the internet in music video viewing, people don't sit down and watch them on the television anymore.