
Most Important Inventions of the 20th Century

  • The submarine

    The submarine
    What started as an irritating, but still deadly, weapon in world war grew into a monstrosity in world war two sinking than any other type of weapon used. Today, with the advent of of power-wich gave the submarine nearly unlimited range and endurance-it has become the capital warship in every first class Navy in the world and as such has effectively rendered naval warfare of the past obsolete
  • The Airplane

    The Airplane
    Not only they made travel quick and safe, but

    aircraft provide many other services as well: from crop dusting and fighting forest fires to

    overnight delivery of packages and chasing hurricanes
  • The automobile

    The automobile
    Henry Ford´s made the automobile affordable and accesible to the average person (before Ford´s

    model T was introduced in 1908, only the fabulously wealthy could afford car). The automobile give everyone a degree of mobility and personal freedom our forefathers could only dream of, and turned entire generations of teenagers into raging revheads.
  • The Radio

    The Radio
    Few people today can appreciate the impact the advent of radio had on the twentieth century. Not only did it suddenly make it possible for a person to be heard from hundreds or even thousands of miles away without the use of a wire (quite an accomplishment in the first years of the century) but it was the center of family life through the end of the Second World War and into the doldrums of the fifties, when it was gradually replaced by that new-fangled contraption, the television.
  • The Rocketry

    The Rocketry
    Without the rocket, it is safe to say we would not only have never gone to the moon or visited every planet in our system. Rockets also place satellites into orbit around our planet, so without them we also wouldn´t be to use GPS, predict the weather, make international calls or use our cell phones
  • Television

    It is society’s baby-sitter, news source, teacher, entertainer, and story-teller. When in competent hands, television can even be useful at times. Mostly, though, it fills our days with vapidity and all manner of inane and obnoxious commercials, and is the single greatest reason that families no longer eat in the kitchen or dining room anymore, but instead huddle in the living room around their television eating microwavable food and spilling soft drinks on the sofa.
  • Antibiotics

    Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, almost any Little bug that someone picked up was potentially fatal. Once penicillin and later a whole range of other antibiotics cameo n the scene, however, death due to bacterial infection became rare, resulting in a greatly reduced mortality rate and much longer life span
  • Nuclear Power

    Nuclear Power
    Suddenly humanity had a power source that didn´t pollute,

    was efficient and practically

    unlimited, the energy sources has the capacity to power entire cities.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    Steve Wozniak and Stephen Jobs introduced the apple in 1976, it changed everything. We can use the computers to keep track of our

    finances, write books, design logos and sell real estate and so many things more.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    It allows you to travel to anyplace in the world in seconds, Also gives anyone the ability to buy and sell almost anything

    imaginable, watch the latest youtube videos and find their perfect life partner