Mom's Pregnancy Calendar

  • Month Six

    fetal movement, strong kicks, thumps, bumps, weight gain up to 12 pounds
  • Conception

    Sperm and egg unite.
  • 1st Month

    Missed period, nausea, other signs may not be noticable
  • Month Two

    breast begin to swell, pressure on bladder, nausea, morning sickness
  • Month Three

    breats become achy, nausea, abdomen becomes larger, weight gain
  • Month Four

    belly grows, most discomfort, appetite increases
  • Month Five

    belly is apparent, fetal movement, increased weight gain, affected posture
  • Month Seven

    increased size, uncomfortable
  • Month Eight

    discomfort, fetal kicks, weight gain
  • Month 9th BABY IS COMING

    fetus drops into pelvis, more comfort, weight gain up to 35 pounds, false labor pains