Special education timeline

Module 1: History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timeline

  • First school for special Education:The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb

    First school for special Education:The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb
    The asylum of Connecticut was turned into the very first school for special education. This school was call The American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and dumb. Even though people that were born deaf never learned how to communicate. The only signs that were established were homemade ones. People that were deaf considered Cognitively Impaired.
  • Law passed so that all students may go to school

    Law passed so that all students may go to school
    In Rhode Island a law was passed that mandated that all children must go to school. I believe that this benefited all students in having to go to school. It also changed history for the better. Kids that were with special needs was finally able to get help.https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moa&cc=moa&view=text&rgn=main&idno=ABJ2388.0001.001
  • The American Association on intellectual and developmental disabilities

    The American Association on intellectual and developmental disabilities
    The American association on intellectual and developmental disabilities was founded in 1876. This association produced the guideline to name, define, and diagnose people with disabilities. Students such as my self have been helped to get diagnosed with dyslexia. This association also helps students get individual help for their special needs.
  • Educational Amendment act

    Educational Amendment act
    This law was placed to help the school with the spending for the children with handicap. This law allows the schools to spend more on handicap accessibilities. This act also helped prohibit the discrimination of sex, age, and disability.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation act

    Vocational Rehabilitation act
    This law doesn't allow people to discriminant towards individuals with disabilities. Vocational Rehab helps students continue their education after high-school. They also help with anything that the individual needs help with. They help find people with disabilities find jobs.
  • The education for all handicapped students

    The education for all handicapped students
    Congress passed a law stating that all children have the right to education. This law made sure that all students had the right to education. This law also made sure that these students had the ability to go to school. It also helped students with handicap to be able to go in and out of schools.https://youtu.be/rgwstMsPvd4
  • Inclusion

    Inclusion should be set for students that are not mentally handicapped. When I was a student I was placed in inclusion and I couldn't keep up with the other students. The teacher was going to fast and I wasn't able to retain any information. I had told the teacher that I needed him to slow down but he just kept going. With have the two teachers in the class didn't help me.
  • Americans with disabilities act

    Americans with disabilities act
    This Act was signed by President George W. Bush. It promised students with disabilities that they will have the same rights. Such as school and work. It also states that people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against.
  • IDEA

    This Act has six different way to help students with disabilities. Those are Individual Education Program (IEP), Free and appropriate public education(FAPE), Least restrictive environment(LRE), Appropriate evaluation, parent and teacher participation, and procedural safeguard. This act was also sign by President George W. Bush. It has four sections as well.
  • No child left behind act

    No child left behind act
    This act was also signed by President George W. Bush. This act held schools accountable for how children were learning. It would also penalize the schools with low scores. This law made schools ended up falsifying scores. I believe this act is one of the worst ones, in my personal experience. Children do not always learn the same way. Some kids cannot be judged by the way they take exams.
  • Inclusion

    When asking the teacher to slow down only made him to go even faster. That year I did horribly in school. It took everything in me not to give up. I knew exactly what I needed and I knew how to advocate for myself. So the following meeting that I had for my IEP I asked to be placed in a smaller class. I only had dyslexia, I can only imagine the students that have something more in that class. Equality isn't always equal it sometimes make a student fall behind.