Modern History

  • Boston Tea Party

    The key complaint of the American colonists was that they were being taxed too highly by the government.So they rallied against the government,
  • Period: to

    Modern History

  • James Watt

    James Watt
    James Watt designs a more efficient steam engine. He got the idea as a kid when he saw his mother make a cup of tea by boiling the water and steam rising from the kettle.
  • American Declaration of Independence

    The American Declaration of Independence announces the American colonies independence from Great Britian.
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet arrives in Botany bay, beginning British settlement in Australia.
  • War of Independence

    A treaty in Paris was signed to formally end the war, and recognised the USA as controlling an area from the Canadian border to Florida.
  • French Revolution

    Outbreak of the French Revolution as a consequence of high bread prices and dissatisfaction with the ruling of aristocrats who levied high taxes to support extravagent lifestyles.
  • Alessandro Volta

    Volta invents a battery to store electrical current; the unit of electric potential, volt, is named after him.
  • Textile

    Textile workers smash machinery in factories and mills in the midlands and north of England.
  • George Stephenson

    Stephenson builds the first passenger railway between Liverpool and Manchester.
  • Publication of The Peoples Charter

    The Publication of The Peoples Charter in Britian demading political reform, including the right to vote for every man from the age of 21,
  • Edward Hargreaves

    hargreaves discovers gold near Bathurst, New South Wales, triggering several gold rushes around Australia.
  • Gatling Gun

    Richard Gatling patents the Gatling Gun.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War ends with about 620,000 people died.
  • Convict Transportation

    Convict transportation to Australia ceases with the last shipment of convicts disembarking in Western Austrlia.
  • National Park

    Worlds first National park proclaimed at Yellowstone in the USA,
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison unveils electric light system.
  • Wright Brothers

    Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright achieve the first controlled, powered, man carrying flight.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford produces his first Ford Model T automibile.
  • Steamship

    The worlds men largest passenger steamship, the Titanic, hits an iceberg in the north west Atlantic Ocean sinks: 1517 people die.
  • WWI

    World War 1 ends with the defeat of Germany.