Mirsky Giver Vocabulary

  • Recollection

    Definition- a memory; something remembered or recalled
    Sentence- To the my best of my recollection, everyone weren't quite fond of the restaurant down the street.
    Synonyms- memory, remembrance
  • Profound

    Definition- intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
    Sentence- Sitting at my desk, I read the profound article.
    Synonym- wise, intelligent
  • Prestige

    Definition- status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Sentence- The prestige president, stood there giving his inspiring speech.
    Synonyms- importance, standing
  • Sheepish

    Definition- shy; bashful
    Sentence- She looked at me with a sheepish grin.
    Synonym- embarrassed, uncomfortable
  • Serenely

    Definition- peacefully and calmly
    Sentence- I lay there, looking at the sky serenely.
    Synonym- relaxed, unworried
  • Avert

    Definition- turn away
    Sentence- I avert myself to the back of the room, to see my teacher.
    Synonym- look away, avoid
  • Hasty

    Definition- hurried and rush
    Sentence- The cheetah is the most hasty animal.
    Synonym- quick, swift
  • Indolence

    Sentence- The worker's indolence causes him to finish his work later than planned.
    Synonym- inactivity, sloth
  • Unnerving

    Definition- Unsettling and upsetting
    Sentence- The scary halloween costume was unnerving.
    Synonyms- Disturbing, discomfort
  • requisitioned

    Definition- to demand or take
    Sentence- The judge requisitioned the victim to tell the truth.
    Synonyms- order, request
  • Conspicuous

    Definition- noticeable; easy to see
    Sentence- I went to go hide somewhere not conspicuous, otherwise I'd be found.
    Synonym- Visible, clear
  • self-consciously

    Definition- uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    Sentence- I, self-consciously, look away from the horrifying picture of me, from when I was younger.
    Synonym- nervous, uneasy
  • Tentatively

    Definition- uncertainly and hesitantly
    Sentence- Tentatively, I walk to the possible classroom for period 2.
    Synonym-unsure, undefinite
  • Torrent

    Definition- swift-flowing stream of something
    Sentence- I walked down the torrent of water, in the woods.
    Synonym- flood, overflow
  • Obsolete

    Definition- no longer useful
    Sentence- The CD player I had, from when I was younger, was obsolete.
    Synonym- outdated, old-fashioned
  • Unwieldy

    Definition- difficult to carry or handle
    Sentence- The old typewriter was unwieldy and hard to carry.5
    Synonym- heavy, bulky
  • Wincing

    Definition- shrinking back involuntarily
    Sentence- During the whole, disturbing video, I kept wincing whenever the person would fall.
    Synonym- flinch, cower
  • Fretful

    Definition- uneasy or distressed
    Sentence- I felt fretful as I sat at the dinner table, in complete silence.
    Synonym- upset, miserable
  • Admonition

    Definition- warning
    Sentence- The signs admonition was on a poll, by the stop sign.
    Synonym- forewarning, advice
  • Relinquished

    Definition- gave up or let go
    Sentence- After many tries to convince my parents for a dog, I relinquished the little hope I had left.
    Synonym- quit, discontinue