Minnesota Timeline

By grace d
  • Minnesota is Finally a State!

    Minnesota is Finally a State!
    Minnesota became the 32nd state in 1858. Hooray Minnesota is a state!
  • First Childrens Department Opens!

    First Childrens Department Opens!
    The first childrens department opens in a Minnesota library. Now children can find books just for them!
  • First Intercolleigate!

    First Intercolleigate!
    Go Minnesota Timberwolves! Can you believe that before this game there were no intercolleigate basketball games in Minnesota!?
  • The First Ferry Boat is put into operation!

    The First Ferry Boat is put into operation!
    The first ferry boat put into operation was over the ship canal from Duluth to the Minnesota Point. It had room for six automobiles.The round trip took 10 minutes.
  • Oh not a drought in Minnesota!

    Oh not a drought in Minnesota!
    In western Minnesota there was a droght. A drought is when there is a long period of time with no rain. It effected farmers' crops and animals.
  • The First Patient at the Medical School of Minnesota

    The First Patient at the Medical School of Minnesota
    The first patient at the Madical School of Minnesota was a 5-year-old receiving a heart operation. The operation was done by Dr. Floyd Lewis. This medical school saves lots of lives.
  • The St. Lawrence Seaway Opens!

    The St. Lawrence Seaway Opens!
    Since the St. Lawrence Seaway opened, more than 400 billion tons of cargo estimated to be worth $300 billion has gone across this wonderful seaway.
  • Mall of America Opens!

    Mall of America Opens!
    Mall of America is one of the nation's biggest shopping and entertainment centers.More people visit it than Walt Disney World and the Grand Canyon combined.There is a roller coaster, a Ferris Wheel, and a Timberland Twister.
  • Oh No! A Bridge Fell in Minnesota!

    Oh No! A Bridge Fell in Minnesota!
    The Interstate 35-W bridge collapsed. Sadly, it killed 13 people. Today, its replacement is an engineering success story.
  • Minnesota State Fair!

    Minnesota State Fair!
    Minnesota state fair is an annual event. Most other states have state fairs too. There are rides, games, cotton candy, and more! Next year go up to Minnesota and have fun!