Mini timeline

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles had 15 parts and 440 articles. Some of the terms included : That Germany couldn't stipulate the demilitarization zone, low number of soldiers, low amount of weaponry, and Germany had to pay $132 billion marks for the damage they caused during WW1. These terms resulted in many issues like economic problems.
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  • Communist International

    Communist International
    Lenin established the Third Communist International in Moscow. The Third International had representatives from communist parties, in over 50 countries.The objective of Comintern, was to replace world capitalist economy by a world system of communism. This was to be done through force and violence if needed.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The idea of the League was grounded because of the destruction of WW1. The Paris Peace Conference, unanimous agreement had been reached on the text of the Covenant of the League of Nations. It was meant to help secure the world by resolving international disputes. Although the League was unable to fulfill the hopes of its founders, the establishment of the League of Nations was important in the history of international relations.
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    Fascism In Italy

    Italian Fascism was the authoritarian political movement that began in 1922 ,established by Benito Mussolini. Fascism combined elements of corporatism, nationalism, militarism, anti-liberalism and anti-Communism. Mussolini used propaganda to pass on simple slogans like, "believe, obey, fight". He also used Technology to spread Fascism and to control the lives of the Italians, like radios.
  • Stalin In Power In Russia

    Stalin In Power In Russia
    Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from 1929 to 1953. Stalin helped to transform the Soviet Union from a peasant society into an industrial and military superpower. After Vladimir Lenin died, Stalin outmaneuvered his rivals for control of the party. Once in power, he collectivized farming and had potential enemies executed or sent to forced labor camps.
  • Hopeful Years

    Hopeful Years
    There were many issues of debt repayment and reparations troubled relations between the Allies and the now defeated Germany. The U.S.-sponsored Dawes and Young Plans offered a solution to these challenges. The Dawes plan and the Young plan were committees that tries to solve the reparations issues.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    After the Stock market crass in the U.S, the world suffered what is known as the Great Depression. President Hoover did not think the federal government should offer relief to the citizens of the United States. When President Roosevelt came into office, he helped to resolve the Great Depression with the New Deal. This New Deal helped to provide support to the Americans.
  • Japanese Invasion on Manchuria

    Japanese Invasion on Manchuria
    The Japanese were angry with the Chinese because they claimed that Chinese soldiers sabotaged one of their railways. The Japanese were also running out of room in their country and they looked down upon the Chinese.
  • Third Reich

    Third Reich
    The Nazi rise to power brought an end to the Weimar Republic.The Third Reich quickly became a regime in which Germans did not have any guaranteed basic rights.Culture, the economy, education, and law all came under Nazi control. There was also extensive propaganda was used to spread the regime's goals and ideals
  • Germany starts to do it alone

    Germany starts to do it alone
    Six months after Hitler came into power, the Third Reich withdraws from the disarmament conference and the League of Nations. The reason was the refusal of the Western powers to acquiesce in Germany's demands for military parity.