

By period3
  • classical

    During the mid and late 1800s, classical music was popular, including composers like Beethoven, Chopin, and Elgar.
  • Birth of Mary Harris

    Birth of Mary Harris
    Mary Jones was born in Cork, Ireland to Mary and Richiard Harris.
  • Mary immigrated to New York

    Richiard fled the country for fear of being killed and waited to have enough money and then sent it to his family.
  • Cha Ching

    Cha Ching
    The cash register was another ivention. James Ritty was worried who would run his saloon while he was gone so he invented this machine to keep track of sales.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad was not actually a railroad, it was a passage that went all the way up to freedom. Slaves used this to escape from their horrible lives. In 1838, the Underground Railroad was formally organized.
  • Mary met George E. Jones

    Mary Harris met George E. Jones in 1861 and later married him.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves. Of course not right away. In 1883 New Years the final signiature by Abraham Lincoln.
  • The Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan was a violent group that had it out for Africian-Americans and other minorities. They'ed burn crosses and come in with their white robes and struck fear into peoples eyes.
  • Ford's Theaters Darkest night

    Ford's Theaters Darkest night
    Ford's Theatre was home to many great plays. 1863 the theatre was finally built. No one knew that just 2 years later Ford's theater would be remembered for such a dark crime. On April 9 1865, while president Lincoln was watching a play, he was shot by an actor, Jhon Wilkes Booth.
  • Yellow fever

    Yellow fever
    Mary's family got in contact with the deadily plague, Yellow fever, and one by one each of them died,Yelow fever is carried by mosquitos and if infected a persons eyes and skin turns yellow,in some cases a person will vomt a blackish liquid and slowly die.
  • The purchase of the 50th state

    The purchase of the 50th state
    Alaska is the biggest U.S state. Formally owned to Russia, Alaska was bought for 7.2 billion dollars.
  • Plastic

    Plastic is used today in many things today. In the 1860s they would pay $10,000 to anyone who found something that would replace ivory, so th elephant population wouldnt deplete. Plastic was the winner.
  • Womens choice

    For years women have'nt been able to vote, But in1870, finally women got the chance to vote, It was only Wyoming but it was a start to womens rights.
  • Mother Jones got her name

    After that huge fire that destroyed "the windy city" , Mother Jones took people in, almost like a mother. She fed them and sooner or later people were calling her "Mother Jones"
  • Great Chicago Fire

    Great Chicago Fire
    In 1871 a cow tipped over a lantern, and in a couple of hours the the city of Chicago was engulfed in flames. The fire took Mary's home and dress shop. Mary saw all the homless people and that changed her. She knew some places looked like this and t
    hey hadnt even been through a fire. so she took the m under her roof.
  • Buffalo

    In the 1870s the buffalo population started to decrease. More than 3 millian buffalos were slaughtered.
  • The Telephone

    Today many people use telephones. It all started in 1876. Alexander Graham Bell introduced the telephone in the late 1800s. 2 yrs later more than 10,000 people were using phones.
  • Wages were cut

    Since factories had grown in the last couple of years railroads were in demand. Realizing that it cost to much to pay workers hireres cut wages. This brought a stir through workers rights and
    Mary Jones wasnt going to stand for it.
  • Click!!!

    George Eastman made the first flexible film, then made camearas with rolls of films.
  • Lady Liberty

    Lady Liberty
    1882 the project began in France and finished in 1884. Finially the french shipped it over and crates and it was ressembled and dedecated to the US.
  • 15,000 miners quit

    Mother Jones went from state to state and got 15,000 workers to quit their jobs and go on strike. This made the country come to a hault. After a while the companys finally had no choice but to give them what they wanted.
  • New UMW

    Mary Jones who was now called "Mother Jones" travled to West virginia to establish a new branch to enforce better working conditions and beter pay. This led to a whole new step up in Miners rights.
  • 125 Mile walk

    Months later Mother Jones wrote to president Roosevelt, but didn,t get a reply. So as stuburn as she was she walked 125 miles at the age of 73 and went to have a talk with Roosevelt.
  • Deah of a great leader

    Mother Jones just celebrated her 100th birthday. Now getting weaker and having pneumonia, Mother Jones died . She died at 11:15 on Sunday November 30. The death of a great leader brought many people to her funeral.
  • Finally Honored

    Finally Honored
    62 years later Mother Jones for all her hard work was inducted into the Labor Hall of Fame in Washington D.C.