Midterm Project

  • Prenatal (Chapter 4) - Conception to Birth

    Prenatal (Chapter 4) - Conception to Birth
    During this stage, the baby is growing inside the womb. The nine months where the fetus grows consists of three trimesters. In the first trimester, the sex organs develop, along with being able to rest, grow, swallow, digest, and suck their thumbs. During the second trimester, the fetus grows around an inch every 10 days and their skin and hair begins to grow. The third trimester consists of the fetus growing up to 20 inches and are able to recognize noises from outside of the womb.
  • Infancy (Chapter 5) - First 24 months of life

    Infancy (Chapter 5) - First 24 months of life
    At this stage, reflexes and new habits are developed. The psychosocial crisis that occurs during this time is Trust vs mistrust.
    Motor skills are especially crucial at this age because they are occurring for the first time.
    Piaget's theory explains that the growth of intelligence during infancy is based on sensorimotor adaptation.
    "From the very earliest days of life, infants use their reflexes to make contact with the environment." (P.g. 144)
  • Toddlerhood (Chapter 6) - 2 to 4

    Toddlerhood (Chapter 6) - 2 to 4
    During toddlerhood, Autonomy vs shame and doubt is the psychosocial crisis that takes place. This crisis is known as the "terrible twos", where toddlers will refuse things, even if they may want them.
    Imitation is crucial at this age, for it impacts skill learning and social cognition.
    "Imitation plays a role in skill learning as well as in social cognition, allowing one person to observe and reproduce the actions, expressions, and gestures of others." (P.g. 213)
  • Early school age (Chapter 7) - 4 to 6 years

    Early school age (Chapter 7) - 4 to 6 years
    During this stage, the most important developmental factor is influence and how the environment that the child is around affects their growth.
    According to Freud's theory on superego, the more a parent forces a child to inhibit impulses, the stronger the child's superego would become.
    Jung Chang's case study explains how a child was influenced her environment and interactions with her grandmother. This study connects to how much of an impact people in a child's life can have on them.
  • Middle childhood (Chapter 8) 6 to 12

    Middle childhood (Chapter 8) 6 to 12
    During this age, the biggest milestone that is hit is social. The child is learning how to balance their emotions among their peers. The psychosocial crisis that occurs at this time is industry vs inferiority, where the child feels a sense of accomplishment or failure.
    A case study performed on children of this age shows that a girl named Becca who was a straight A student, dropped her grades down to C's because she thought she would fit in more with her classmates.