Michael jackson

Michael Jackson

  • Michael Jackson was born

    Michael Jackson was born
    Michael Jacson was born in Gary, Indiana.
  • Michael Jackson was the little brother

    Michael Jackson was 7brothers.
  • the union of Michael and Marlon in the band

    the union of Michael and Marlon in the band
  • released the single "big boy"

    released the single "big boy"
  • Michael was her first song alone

  • leaves the THRILLER album

  • Pepsi commercial

  • release of USA for America

  • was diagnosed Vitiligo

  • the album Bad

  • Michael Jackson married with Elvis Presley's daughter

  • Michael Jackson was married with Debbie Rowe

  • Born the son of Michael

    the famous balcony scene.

    A judge clears Jackson of molesting a cancer survivor of 13 years at his Neverland ranch in 2003
  • Michael Jackson died