Mexican history

  • 1200 BCE

    pre-columbian Mexico

    Mexico's great metropolis
    -stone age technology
    -stone tools
  • Period: 1519 to 1521

    Age of conquest

    Spain and it's trips invaded and conquered Mexico
  • Period: 1521 to

    New Spain

    Mexico became one of Spain's colonies, Spain had total economic and religious control.
  • Mexican Independence

  • Period: to

    years of chaos

    During this time period more than 30 presidents ruled over Mexico
  • Period: to

    Guadalupe Victoria

    He was Mexico's first president
  • Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

    He was a Mexican politician and military member who fought during various important moments and became president. 1834-1835
  • batalla de puebla

    During this fight Mexico won over the best army from Europe when the French tried to conquer Mexico again
  • Period: to


    Mexican dictatorship that brought both economic and technological growth and extreme poverty to the country
  • Period: to

    Revolution Era

    During this era Mexico had it's revolution and after it also had a lot of social changes.
  • Period: to

    Francisco I Mdero

    He became president after fighting for the revolution.
  • Constitution

    The Mexican constitution was published. This is the most important document for Mexican citizens
  • Jose Vascocelos

    during the presidency of Alvaro Oregon, Vasconcelos boosted the education and culture for Mexican citizens.
  • Period: to

    Alvaro Oregon

    As a president Alvaro Obregon tried to unify the peace of the country
  • Masacre of Tlatelolco

    A group of students and intellectuals manifested against the government policies so the government organized a huge masacre right before the olympic games.
  • Period: to

    Vicente Fox

  • Period: to

    Modern Mexico

    During this period of time democracy had a big boom.
    relationships between other states were improved and Mexico started to modernize its systems.
  • Period: to

    Felipe Calderon

    As a president he started the war agains drugs and insecurity started to be worst all around the country
  • Period: to

    Enrique Peña Nieto

    As a president he made lots of reforms, but also throughout his presidency corruption in Mexico got to the highest point in history.
  • Period: to


    as a president he is trying to bring back the old technology and giving money to everyone who doesn't work and taking away money from causes that need it.