
  • mesopotamia

    The Babylonian empire reached its peak during the reighn of Hummurabi from 1792-1750 B.C.
  • mesopotamia

    In about 2000 B.C. nomadic warriors known as Amorities invaded Mesopotamia
  • Mesopotamia

    About 2350 B.C a conqueror named Sargon defeated the city of sumer
  • Mesopotamia

    After 2500 B.C many sumerian city-states came under the rule of dynasties
  • mesopotamia

    By 2500 B.C. new cities were arising all over the fertile cresent - in what is now Syria,northern Iraq,and Turkey
  • Mesopotamia

    By 3000 B.C many wars between cities had broken out
  • Mesopotamia

    By 3000 B.C the sumerainians built a number of citites - each with there own government
  • Mesopotamia

    from 3000 B.C. to 2000 B.C the city-states of sumer were almost constantly at war
  • mesopotamia

    the sumerainians arrived at / around 3300 B.C
  • mesopotamia

    people first began to settle and farm mesopotamia before 4500 B.C.