

  • The Anschluss

    The Anschluss
    Germany and Austria join together. Hitler thought he should bring everyone together with one ruler.
    This shows that Hitler's goals was to make Germay's army much larger, so it could be a lot easier to take control over larger countres.
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    Hitler wanted Sudentenland but the Czechs didnt agree to Hitler's goals. To avoid war British minister Neville Chamberlain had let Hitler get Sudentenland but Hitler borke them up after words.
    Hitler goal is to take over countries one by one, to bring Germany to have power.
  • The Nazi Soviet Pact

    The Nazi Soviet Pact
    Hilter was ready to attact Poland until the Soviet Union chicken out and to get on hItler's good side they wanted peace. They signed the nazi soviet pact to keep USSR out the war in exchange for Poland.
    This shows that Hitler brought fear to many people not just the jews.
  • Danzig and the Polish Corrider

    Danzig and the Polish Corrider
    After gaining Sudentenland Hitler wanted to get Danzig, it once was apart of Germany. Hitler wanted to build a highway connecting Germany to Danzig and East Prussia. Britain and France their planned failed;tried to convince Poland to ignor Hitler's demands.
    Hitler is gaining much power, his goal is to continue gaiing may coutries making Germany much larger.
  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    Hitler takes Poland without worry. Invasion was alos coming from the Soviet Union (the east). Only two day Britiain and France declares war on Germany.
    Hitler's plans went the way he wanted, he knew there was going to be another war, he was prepare to fight for Germany.