Media technology (james Etherington)

  • Jan 1, 1439

    invention of printing press

    invention of printing press
    A printing press is a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium, thereby transferring the ink. Typically used for large scale printing.
  • First journal

    First journal
    The journal was popular in the 1665 among writers and journalists to record information and events.
  • First magazine

    First magazine
    the first magazine that was published for public viewing was the times in 1731 which is based in london.
  • First telephone

    First telephone
    The first telephone was invented in 1788, it was created to make bussiness transactions easier and faster between large companies.
  • First Home telephone

    First Home telephone
    After the success of the first telephone beeing created, companies started makeing telephones for social use and was put into homes to be used between other people.
  • BBC radio broadcasting

    BBC radio broadcasting
    in 1922 radion stations started makeing broadcasts over radio frequencys. The topic on the radio mostly at this point was about the war.
  • First tv invented

    First tv invented
    In 1936 the tv was invented to be put into peoples house to display recorded prgrammes for people to view. The tv would sometimes only be on at certain times as live recording wasnt available in 1936
  • Internet

    Internet was the breakthrough with technology in 1962, it allowed people from bussiness and home to view websites along with buying items online. computers ran very slow at this point which would sometimes take several minutes to load a website.
  • Cable TV

    Cable TV
    In 1984 cable tv was invented to acompany the television which would be run through the telephone line and connected to the tv to give viewers a range of more channels
  • Mobile phones

    The mobile phone was a mobile version of the house phone which enabled people to communicate to each other while on the move which benefited busy people
  • Satelite TV

    Satelite TV
    staelite tv also relates into improveing television viewing. satelite tv is an upgraded version of cable which instead of chanels beeing run through a cable it is connected to a satelite which aims to give viewers an even wider range of channels to choose from.
  • First text message

    First text message
    Text messageing is an easier wasy to communicate between each other which allows you to type a word to somebody instead of having to talk down the phone. The first text message was sent in 1992 saying "merry christmas".
  • Public world wide web

    1993 gave the public a chance to use the internet for social or bussiness use. The internet offered a wide range of things to do for people from the comfort of there home.
  • 3Gmobiles

    £g mobiles was an upgraded version of the standard mobile which allowed users to use video calls to communicate between each other by acctually seeing and talking to each other through the screen.
  • Web 2.0

    Web 2.0 gave a huge social aspect to the internet which allowed people to communicate rapidly through it and do many other things such as watch videos, web 2.0 plays a huge part in social networks which are a major part of the world today.
  • 4G mobiles

    4G mobiles are an upgraded vewrsion of the 3G mobiles which allow people to use the internet, use touch screen technology and create an easier and faster way to useing a mobile phone than ever before