Matt the squirrel

  • Day 1

    Day 1
    Weather conditions: 71ºF
    Precipitation: 0%
    Wind: 5 mph
    Observations: No decomposition has started
  • Day 2

    Day 2
    Weather conditions:
    66º fahrenheit
    Precipitation: 0%
    Humidity: 43%
    Wind: 4 mph Observation of the animal:
    Body parts still intact, intestine damages, no bugs so far.
  • Day 3

    Day 3
    Weather Conditions:
    Weather conditions:
    74º fahrenheit
    Precipitation: 0%
    Humidity: 47%
    Wind: 13 mph Observations:
    We have both blow flies and ants on our squirrel. Decomposition has started showing. Flies have ripped through the fur.
  • Day 4

    Day 4
    77º fahrenheit
    Precipitation: 0%
    Humidity: 28%
    Wind: 3 mph Observations:
    Face eaten off/eye eaten off, gnats, blow flies, ants, maggots.
  • Day 5

    Day 5
    81º fahrenheit
    Precipitation: 0%
    Humidity: 33%
    Wind: 6 mph Observations:
    The majority of the body has been eaten off but there is still some skin on the squirrel
  • day 7

    day 7
    75º fahrenheit
    Precipitation: 10%
    Humidity: 73%
    Wind: 6 mph Observation:
    There are only a few maggots and the body is not eating from the inside out, can see a few ribs.
  • Day 8

    Day 8
    Weather Condition:
    Weather: 77 degrees faherenheit
    Wind: 9 mph
    Humidity: 27%
    Precipation: 0% Condition:
    You can see the squirrel's death which are about 1.25 centimeters long. His body intestines are all gone and you can see partial bones
  • Day 9

    Day 9
    Weather Conditions:
    weather: 81 degrees fahrenheit
    Wind:11 mph
    Precipitation: 0%
    Humidity: 37% Conditions: Animal is showing bones and looks like it has been dried up but not yet still see some skin
  • Day 10

    Day  10
    84º fahrenheit
    Precipitation: 30%
    Humidity: 49%
    Wind: 16 mph Observation:
    you are able see the vertebrae and the ribs of the squirrel