Math stuff

  • 1525

    Square root symbol is first used

    Square root symbol is first used
  • Fermat dies

    Fermat dies
  • Pi symbol

    Pi symbol
  • Gauss constructs a heptadecagon using a straight edge and compass

    Gauss constructs a heptadecagon using a straight edge and compass
  • The Mobius function is introduced

    The Mobius function is introduced
  • First Morse code message

    First Morse code message
  • JJ Sylvester introduces the term “matrix”

    JJ Sylvester introduces the term “matrix”
  • The Klein bottle is made. Lambert proves that Pi is irrational

    The Klein bottle is made. Lambert proves that Pi is irrational
  • Tower of Hanoi is invented

    Tower of Hanoi is invented
  • Flatland is written by Edwin Abbott

    Flatland is written by Edwin Abbott
  • The word Tesseract is coined and first used by Charles Howard Hinton

    The word Tesseract is coined and first used by Charles Howard Hinton
  • Joseph Huddart invents the 3-armed protractor

    Joseph Huddart invents the 3-armed protractor
  • Boys surface is discovered

    Boys surface is discovered
  • Einstein’s theory of general relativity is based on Riemannian geometry

    Einstein’s theory of general relativity is based on Riemannian geometry
  • Venn popularizes Venn diagrams

    Venn popularizes Venn diagrams
  • The Bourbaki secret society of mathematicians is formed

    The Bourbaki secret society of mathematicians is formed
  • Galois proposes the idea of groups of permutations

    Galois proposes the idea of groups of permutations
  • Von Neumann and Morgenstern publish Theory of Games and Economic Behavior

    Von Neumann and Morgenstern publish Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
  • ENIAC is discovered

    ENIAC is discovered
    ENIAC stands for electronic numerical integrator and computer.
  • The Csaszar Polyhedron is first described

    The Csaszar Polyhedron is first described
  • The Ulam Spiral is discovered

    The Ulam Spiral is discovered
  • The game of Sprouts is invented

    The game of Sprouts is invented
    The game of Sprouts was invented in 1967 by two mathematicians John H. Conway and Michael S. Paterson, when they were both at the University of Cambridge in the UK.
  • Lorenz explains the butterfly effect

    Lorenz explains the butterfly effect
    This effect grants the power to cause a hurricane in China to a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico. It may take a very long time, but the connection is real. If the butterfly had not flapped its wings at just the right point in space/time, the hurricane would not have happened.
  • Rubik’s cube is invented

    Rubik’s cube is invented
  • Mandelbrot introduces the term fractal

    Mandelbrot introduces the term fractal
  • Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken prove the 4-color theorem

    Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken prove the 4-color theorem
  • The Fields Medal is first awarded

    The Fields Medal is first awarded
  • Sudoku is invented

    Sudoku is invented
  • Nash is awarded the Nobel Prize for economics for his work on game theory

    Nash is awarded the Nobel Prize for economics for his work on game theory
  • Numb3rs hits American television

    Numb3rs hits American television