first production of rayon
By the American Viscose Company -
rayon replaced silk, especially in stockings
The first commercial textile uses for acetate in fibre form were developed by the Celanese company -
cheaper than silk
Textile manufacturers could purchase rayon and acetate fibres for half the price of raw silk. These fibres were around 70% of the national market for fibre by the last deacde of the century -
Nylon, the miracle fibre
American Chemist Wallace Carothers reported on reseatch carried out in the laboratories of the DuPont Company on 'gant' molecules called polymers. He focused his work on the fibre refered to simply as '66', a number derived from its molecular structure. Nylon, the 'miricale fibre' was born. -
a new world of manufactured fibres.
Nylons advert created a revolution in the fibre industry. Rayon and acetate had been derived from plant cellulose, but nylon was synthesized completely from petrochemicals. It established the basis for the discovery of an entire new world of manufactured fibres. -
Vinyon was first produced in 1939 by American Viscose -
Commercial production of nylon
DuPont began commercial production on Nylon. The first experimental testing used nylon as a sewing thread, in parachute fabric and in women's hosiery, the most exciting fashion innovation of the age was underway. American women had only a sample of the beauty and durability of their first pairs of nylon hose when their romance with the fabric was cut short by the war -
nylon was on the market
Terylene introduced
The first polyester fibre called 'Terylene' introduced -
Nylon production used for military
The war production board allocated all production of nylon for military use. During the way, nylon replaced Asian Silk in Parachuted. It also found use in tires, tents,ropes,ponchos etc. At the onset of war, cotton was king of fibres, accounting for more than 80% of all fibres used. Manufactured and wool fibres accounted for the remaining 20% -
fibre glass
Owens Corning produced Fiberglass and polyester airplane parts for the war effort. The first working fibreglass sailboat is made -
end of the war - demand for hoisery
The conversion of nylon production to civilian uses started as the war ended and when the first small quantities of postwar nylon stockings were advertised, thousands of frenzied women lined up at New York department stored to buy. In the immediate post war period, mosy nylon production was used to satisfy this enormous pent up demand for hosiery. -
new manufactured fibres
Nylon was being used in carpeting and automobile upholstery. At the same time, three new generic manufactured fibres started production. Metalized fibres were introduced as well as modacrylic fibre and olefin fibre -
Acrylic and polyester
A new fibre "acrylic" was added to the list of generic names, as DuPont began the production of this wool-like product. Meanwhile, polyester was attracting new interest in Britain. A polyester fibre was produced by condensation polymerization of ethylene gylcol with terephthalic acid. -
"Wash-and-wear" was coined to describe a new blend of cotton and acrylic. The term eventually was applied to a wide variety of manufactured fibre blends. Commercial production of polyester fibre transformed the wash-and-wear novelty into a revolution in textile product performance. -
Polyesters commercialization was accompanied by the introduction of triacetate. The majority of the 20th centurys basic manufactured fibres had now been discovered and the industrys engineers turned to refining their chemical and physical properties to extend their use across the American economy. -
elastane (lycra) introduced
Manufactured fibres - now 30%
manufactured fibre accounted for nearly 30% of American textile mill consumption -
newer fibres introduced with special properties.
New fibre shapes and thicknesses were introduced to meet special needs. Spandex, a stretchable fibre, aramid- a high temperature-resistant polyamide and para-aramid, with outstanding stength-to-eight properties, were introduced into the marketplace. -
medical textiles
Medical textiles made from polyester have their start in suture and woven artery substitues. -
acceleration of manufacturers fibre production
manufactured fibre production accelerated as it was spurred on by continuous fibre innovation. The revolutionary new fibres were modified to offer greater comfort, provide flameresistant,reduce clinging,release soil,achieve greater whiteness,special dullness or lustre,easier dyeability and better blending qualities. -
consumers bought more and more.
Consumers bought more and more clothing made with polyester. Clotheslines were replaced by electric dryers and the "wash-and-wear" garments they dried emerged wrinkle free. Ironing began to shrink away on the daily list of household chores. Fabric became more durable and colour permanent. New dyeing effects were being achieved and shape retaining knits offered new comfort and style -
Aramid is first commercially produced by DuPont and manufactured under the trade name Kevlar in 1965. It is extremly strong, lightweight and flame and abrasion resistant -
Space programme
One dramatic new set of used for manufactured fibres came with the establishment of the US space programme.The industry provided special fibre for uses ranging from clothing for the astronauts to spaceships nose cones.When Neil Armstrong took his step on the moon on July 20 1969, his lunar space suit included multi layers of nylon and aramid fabrics.The flag he planted was made of nylon. Special fibres such as rayon and carbon were also used. -
demands for consumer protection
A wave of consumer protection demands emerged, most notably one for a mandated Federal flammability standard for children sleepwear. The manufactured fibre industry spent 20 million on flammability researchand development in 1972 & 1973 and manufactured fibres became predominant in this market. Flammability standards were also issued for carpet and other products. -
PBI (Polybenzimidazole) first produced by celanese corporation has no melting point, will not ignite and retains suppleness when exposed to flames widely used in firefighting suits. -
Lycra started to be mixed with other fibres to add stretch
tencel was a new fibre and replaced viscose and rayon -
the micro fibre began to be developed
nylon, polyester, olefin
Nylon variants, polyester and olefin are used to produce carpets that easily can be rinsed clean even 24 hours after they have been stained. Stretchable spandex and machine washable, silk-like polyesters occupy solid places in the apparel market. The finest microfibres are remaking the world of fashion. -
environmental awareness.
Increased environmental awareness further encourages manufacturers to become green manufacturers, reducing energy consumption, cleaning up or eliminating air and water pollution, and recycling production supplies and finding environmentally safe uses for fabric waste -
technology developments
allowed for smart materials -
SMART fabric
The conductivity of fibres made of metals such as stainless steel is critical to developing smart fabrics. Developments of multifunctional fabric with extraordinary capabilities like 'self-healing' the ability of the material itself to close rips and puncture progresses. -
first renewable fibre
Cargill Dow introduces the first completly renewablle fibre made of plant dextrose from cornstarch, polylactide and markets it as 'InGeo'. It competes in durability with the petrochemicals and can be disposed of safely as completely biodegradable end use products.