Management Overview Class Timeline

By CheyH12
  • Module 1 - What is a Manager?

    • Readings o Chapter 1: What is a manager?
    • Assignment 1: o Students will write a 1-2 page paper detailing what they believe a manager does and why they want to be a manager.
  • Period: to

    Fall Semester 2017

    Here is a timeline based off of the 2017 school timeline for a proposed class that would show an overview for a proposed overview course for the management program.
  • Module 2 - Culture Change

    • Readings o Chapter 2: Changing Culture
    • Class Discussion o Go over culture change steps
    • Assignment 2: o Students will create a flow chart showing cultural change
  • Module 3 - Ethics

    • Readings o Chapter 3: The Importance of Ethics? o Chapter 4: Where Is the Line?
    • Class Discussions o what is ethical what is not o where do we draw the line
    • Assignment 3: o 1-2 page paper on a topic that is controversial when it comes to ethics in business
  • Module 4 - Organization

    • Readings o Chapter 5: Organization Tips and Tricks
    • Class Discussions o Discuss organization tips from book – why students think they will/won’t work o Do students have any additional organization tips or tricks
    • Assignment 4: o Organize this desk – students are given a picture of a messy desk and have to come up with the way they think is best to organize it
  • Module 5 - Goals

    • Readings o Chapter 6: Why are goals Important?
    • Class Discussions o Talk about goals and the importance of personal and professional goals o Talk about examples of Personal and Professional goals
    • Assignment 5: o Students must create a 5 year plan outlining personal and professional goals
  • Module 6 - What Happens If...

    • Readings o Chapter 7: Major Legal Outcomes for Common Situations
    • Class Discussions: o Discuss the situations in class and how best to handle them if you encounter them
    • Assignment 6: o Students must match up the situation with the possible bad outcome if don’t act appropriately
  • Module 7 - What does HR do?

    • Readings: o Chapter 8: The Role of HR
    • Class Discussions o Discuss the roles of HR and how they can assist managers in day to day functions of the business
    • Assignment 7 o 1-2 page paper on what function of HR the student feels will be the most beneficial when they become a manager
  • Module 8 - How does everything connect?

    • Class Discussion o Discuss how all of the different areas discussed – which will be future classes- fit together. o Discuss why the different areas are important
    • Assignment 8: o 2-3 page paper about how the different areas are related and how the individuals will use them in the field they are already in or hope to go into once obtaining their degree
  • Module 9 - This is what a manager does.

    • Class Discussion o Answer any questions students still have.
    • Assignment 9: o 1-2 page paper about the differences between what they thought a manager did/knew and what a manager actually does/has to know