Major Immigration Events in Canada

  • Chinese Head Tax

    Chinese Head Tax
    The Chinese head tax was a fixed fee charged to each chinese person entering Canada. The head tax was first levied after the Canadian Parliment passed the Chinese immigration act of 1885 and was meant to discourage chinese people from entering Canada after the cmpletion of the Canadian Pacific Railway.
  • Komagata Maru Incident

    Komagata Maru Incident
    A Japenese steamship, Komagata Maru, sailed from China to Japan and then to Vancouver British Colombia in 1914 carrying 376 passengers from Punjab, British India. Of them 24 were admitted into Canada while the other 352 were forced to return to India because they were not allowed to enter Canada
  • Internment of Ukranian Canadians

    Internment of Ukranian Canadians
    At the beginning of World War 1, people of Ukrainian and German descent were arrested and sent to camps because of their identity. Canada and its allies were at war wih Germany and Austria-Hungary and Part of Ukraine fell within enemy territory. Canada's government made the arrests under the war measures act, which it passed in 1914 at the outbreak of war
  • Internment of Italian Canadians

    Internment of Italian Canadians
    During World War 2, Canada used the war measures act to arrest people of Italian descent and send them to camps. The arrests began on June 10, 1940, when Italy declared war on Canada
  • Internment of Japenese Canadians

    Internment of Japenese Canadians
    During World War 2, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. Canadians with Japenese ancestory suddenly found themselves treated with suspicion or hatred, even though most had been born and raised in Canada. In February 1942, Canadas government decided to move all people of Japenese origin away from the west coast. Under the War Measures Act, more than 20 000 men, women, and children were forced to leave their communities, bringing only what they could carry. They were loaded on trains and moved inland.
  • Refugees being added as a Category

    Refugees being added as a Category
    In1976, Canada made Refugees one of its Immigration categories. The change meant that Canada accepted refugees steadily instead of Crisis by Crisis
  • Immigration Act

    Focused on who should be allowed into Canada and who should be kept out.The act came into force in 1978, along with new immigration regulations. Induviduals who become a burden on on Social welfare or health services would now be refused entry.
  • Singh decision

    Singh decision
    Satnam Singh came to Canada from India seeking Refugee status. The Canadian government rejected his case, and did not allow him to state his case or to appeal the governments decsison on his case. The supreme court said this violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and added that everyone in the Charter means everyone physically in Canada
  • Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

    Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
    The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is the most recent of many laws Canada has had reguarding Immigration. It establishes categories of who can enter Canada from other countries and it also lays out the objecives of these categories