Major Events of Colonial Era

  • Period: Sep 1, 1492 to

    era europeane colination

  • Oct 14, 1492

    columbus encounters the new world for the first time

    sailing for the spainish empire columbus encounters the new world
  • Sep 9, 1534

    Jacque Cartier sailed the St. Lawrence

    Cartier sailed into the waters of the St. Lawrence River in eastern Canada. Although he couldn't travel up the river all the way to Asia, Cartier had in fact discovered an important waterway into the vast areas of Canada.
  • Sep 9, 1535

    Hernando de Soto’s expedition of the Southeast

    de soto explored as far in land as the mississippi river
  • Sep 9, 1540

    Coronado's expedition from Mexico to Kansas

    corondo exploried up through mexico all the way to persent day kansas
  • Sep 9, 1565

    Spanish establish St. Augustine, Florida

    Pedro Menéndez de Avilés founded st. augustine florida while on a exploration
  • Attempted Roanoke Colony

    The final group of colonists disappeared during the Anglo-Spanish War, three years after the last shipment of supplies from England. Their disappearance gave rise to the nickname "the Lost Colony". To this day there has been no conclusive evidence as to what happened to the colonists.
  • Juan de Onate founded Santa Fe

  • Jamestown, Virginia founded

    Mortality at Jamestown itself was very high due to disease and starvation, with over 80% of the colonists perishing in 1609-1610 in what became known as the "Starving Time"
  • Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec

    On July 3, 1608, Champlain landed at the "point of Quebec" and set about fortifying the area by the erection of three main wooden buildings, each two stories tall, that he collectively called the "Habitation", with a wooden stockade and a moat 12 feet (4 m) wide surrounding them. This was the very beginning of Quebec City. Gardening, exploring, and fortifying this place became great passions of Champlain for the rest of his life.
  • John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia

    Rolfe wanted to introduce sweeter strains from Trinidad, using the hard-to-obtain Spanish seeds he brought with him. In 1611
  • First African slaves arrived in Virginia

    African workers were first imported in 1619
  • Plymouth, Massachusetts founded

    Plymouth was the site of the colony founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims
  • Beaver Wars

    Encouraged and armed by their Dutch and English trading partners, the Iroquois sought to expand their territory and monopolize the fur trade and the trade between European markets and the tribes of the western Great Lakes region. The conflict pitted the nations of the Iroquois Confederation, led by the dominant Mohawk, against the French-backed and largely Algonquian-speaking tribes of the Great Lakes region.
  • French began fur trade with Indians

    It was founded by a group of English merchants, with the help of two French fur traders. The English government gave the company sole trading rights in what is now the Hudson Bay region.
  • Marquette and Joliet sailed down the Mississippi

    The expedition went down the Wisconsin River until, on June 17, they suddenly came to a broad, majestic stream -- the Mississippi River. They went south on the Mississippi, stopping for a peaceful meeting with the Illinois Indians. The chief of the Illinois gave them a calumet (peace pipe), which later saved their lives.
  • The Pueblo Revolt

    also known as Popé's Rebellion
  • Pennsylvania Colony founded

    was founded in English North America by William Penn on March 4, 1681
  • South Carolina colony founded

    South Carolina, part of the original Province of Carolina, was founded in 1663 when King Charles II gave the land to eight noble men known as The Lords Proprietors. At the time, the province included both North Carolina and South Carolina. North and South Carolina became separate royal colonies in 1729.
  • Georgia Colony founded

    The colony's corporate charter was granted to General James Oglethorpe on April 21, 1732, by George II, for whom the colony was named.