Contact models and arrange dates:
On 19/12/11 I will contact all of the models I want to use and try to arrange a day to meet with them to get the photographs. -
Period: to
Main Task: Time Management
Get all props and clothing for photographs.
On 4/1/12 I will go shopping to make sure I have all of the clothing and props necessary for the photographs. -
Have background of the front cover made.
By 10/1/12 I will have painted the galaxy picture ready to be scanned in to the computer to then be edited in the background of the front cover image. -
Have all photographs taken.
By 15/1/12 I will have all of the photographs for the front cover, contens page, and double page spread taken and ready to be edited and put in to the layouts. -
Have the layouts of all three elements completed.
By 17/1/12 I will have the layouts of my front cover, contents page and double page spread all completed and ready for images and text to be inserted. -
Have front cover image edited.
By 21/1/12 I will have edited the front cover image and put it with the scanned in glaxy painting. -
Have all three elements of the magazine completed
By 3/2/12 I will have the front cover, contents page, and double page spread of my magazine completely finished.