Old stamp

Mail Through Time by Cooper

  • The Stagecoach

    The Stagecoach
    The stagecoach hands mail out to people. The stagecoach took a long time to get to far distances.
  • The Telegragh

    The Telegragh
    Sameul Morse invented the Telegragh in 1832. He built wires that went a far distances.
  • The Pony Express

    The Pony Express
    The Pony Express were fast Horses that carrie mail.The first time they rid it was on April,3 1860.
  • the Transcontinenal Railrroad

    the Transcontinenal Railrroad
    The Transconstinental Railroads trains were faster than the Pony Express. Mail went across the country really fast.
  • Airmail

    Airplanes invented in the early 1900,s.Modern Airplanes were pretty big planes.
  • What will be next?

    What will be next?
    New inventions continue to change the way we communicate.You probaly communicate by computers.