
Madi's Reading Log 2011

By misrm7
  • Behind The Curtain

    Behind The Curtain
    This book is a pretty confusing book. It has too many things going on. All of the things that are going on are pretty cool though! The ending is very good as well.
  • Period: to

    Books i've read this year

  • Down The Rabbit Hole

    Down The Rabbit Hole
    This book is about Ingrid Levin-Hill. She leaves her boots at a ladys place and that night the lady gets murdered. Everyone is questioning Ingrid. So she has to solve the mystery herself otherwise she could get in much more trouble............It takes a bit to get into this book, but after a few chapters it starts to get interesting.I really enjoyed this book.All mystery seekers would enjoy it as well. I give it 4 stars.
  • Into The Dark

    Into The Dark
    Well i think this book was awesome! It took a bit to get into but when the action starts, you just do not want to put it down! My parents said "look at your face!!" The expression was so ingrossed!
  • Summer Stars

    Summer Stars
    Well, this isn't the kind of book I normally read!! There were some boring parts throughout the story but I kept reading and turned out to be a pretty cool book! Three friends go on a holiday together to this beach. It turns out that their favourite magizine is holding a beach party there. Through ups and downs, cat fights and lots and lots of drama, the friends manage to have a great time! I give this book a 7/10.
  • Style School

    Style School
    Lucy is on the hunt to try and change the uniform at her high-school. She also loves fashion designing. So to help her two dreams come true she holds a secret, lunchtime class for girls who want the rubbishy uniforms changed as well. Very soon the principle of the school finds out and they become in major trouble. This book got a little bit boring in the middle but it had a good ending.
  • Deeper Than Blue

    Deeper Than Blue
    Amy is this amazing swimmer. But after a traumatic accident her life takes a dramatic turn. She must swim for her life with one limb missing. Can she do it ? I found this book a wee bit boring in the middle but it was a great start and finish.
  • Before Wings

    Before Wings
    This is a very freaky book! It is set on a dark, gloomy lake filled with spirits. After the magical wishing tree died spirits come and haunt the people of the village. Terrible things happen but in the end it all works out to be a happy village! I rate this book 6/10 and reccomend it to thriller loving people!
  • Miles to Go

    Miles to Go
    This book is a biography of Miley Cyrus's life. Its amazing to think that Miley was harshly buillied all through her intermediate time. She also has a hole in her heart so she has to really watch what she eats.
    This book is a great read for every one and I really reccomend it.
  • Devil Danger

    Devil Danger
    Sam Fox is this guy who always ends up with an adventure in his hands. Through getting kiddnaped, looking after a prince and sneaky, crafty movements this book is one to remember! I rate this book 10 out of 10 and recommend this book to anyone and everyone!
  • Secret Assult

    Secret Assult
    This book is filled with ups and downs!! But that is what makes it excitng. I didn't think I would like this book but at the end it was one of the best books I had read! Secret assult has a great story line and I would reccomend it to any war loving kid!!
  • The Twits

    The Twits
    Thsi book is filled with loads of pranks and lots of laughs. Mrs and mr Twit are ugly looking creeps who love to eat bird pie! I rate this book 10 out of 10 and I could read this again and again and again!!!
  • The Naughtiest Girl in the School

    The Naughtiest Girl in the School
    This girl called Elizabeth Allen is a spoilt and selffish girl, who is sent away to boarding school. For the first few weeks she hates it and so she plans to get revenge on this school by being the naughtiest girl they have ever had in their school. But Elizabeth soon realizes that being bad isin't as easy as she hoped it would be. This is a quick easy read big words and lots of pages so manage your time carefully. I rate this book 10 out of 10 and would reccomend it to any girls.....
  • The Naughtiest Girl Again

    The Naughtiest Girl Again
    This book is really simalar to the first one but double the trouble. She is still trying to be good but still can't nail it and what ever she does still goes terribley wrong! This book had not as much pages as the first one which I found a lot less scary.
  • The Naughtiest girl is a Moniter

    The Naughtiest girl is a Moniter
    In this book Elizabeth tries to be good by being a monitor. It takes her a while to get used to it but she gets there in the end. This book isn't as good as the first one but there a still heaps of giggles. :)
  • The Wednesday Wizard

    The Wednesday Wizard
    This book isn't that good as it had all of this magic and false things which I dont really like. I give this book 5\10
  • Denzil's Dilemma

    Denzil's Dilemma
    This book is much better than the first one but still fake. There is a lot more excitment in this book but I wouldn't bother reading it again.
  • The Moa Cave

    The Moa Cave
    This book was amazing! It took quite a while to really get into it. At about chapter 6 is where it really got to get interesting! It was good that I payed attention to the first bit of the story because you needed all of the information later in the story. I really love this author and so tis made me want to read this even more. I give this book 9.5\10
  • Girl Stuff

    Girl Stuff
    This book had a really funny twist to it and when ever there was a sad bit something happy always happened, which I like. I rate this book 7.5/10
  • The Dark Divine

    The Dark Divine
    This book is really freaky and hard to believe it's actually a book!
    Every best freind Grace has had, have been murdered. All of their families have a connection to how their daughters have been killed and it is Emily. The parents try and hunt Emily down as she could be making some more best friends and killing them. But Emily is more sneakier than the families think and she plans a really gruesome attack. I give this book a 7\10.
  • The Hobbit

    The Hobbit
    I had to read this for my prose and I just finished it off before the classs did, so I know what happens ! ! It has a great ending (by the way ! ! ! )
  • Katy Perry's Autobiography

    Katy Perry's Autobiography
    Man, She is literally Bonkers !!!!!!!!! She has had one full on life and she's only 27 ! The part that I can't believe which was mentioned in this book several times is that her Mother and Father are religious as ever and she's like the total opposite !!!!! This book is really awesome and I would reccomend it to anyone who is a good reader as there are some complex words in there. I also really liked the pictures in there, even though most of them were random and nutty ! ( Actually all of them !