Lifespan Development Timeline

  • Period: to


    PR 90-180 R 30-60 BP 50-70 T 98-100
  • Period: to


    P 100-160 R 25-50 BP 70-95 T 96.8-99.6
  • Physical Changes of a Infant

    Grows at a rate of 30g/day, cirulation system changes from fetal to indenpendant circulation, nose breathers, Reflexes such as moro reflex, palmar grasp, rooting reflex, and sucking reflex are present, recieves antibodies from mom, and can have more they continue to breast feed
  • Physchosocial Changes of a Infant

    Crying is the main method of communication, bonding is formed, based on a secure attachment of an anxious-avoidant attachment, trust and mistrust is also learned during this stage
  • Psychosocial Changes of an Adolescent

    Conflict is often present, as teenagers struggle to determine their identitiy, privacy for teens is a big issue, and rebellious behavior is also common, such as unprotected sex and other high risk behaviors.
  • Period: to


    P 90-150 R 20-30 BP 80-100 T 96.8-99.6
  • Physical Changes of Toddler

    Lungs delevop more alveoli, neuromuscular growth due to increase in physicla activities, potty training occurs, as they gain neuromuscular control of the renal system
  • Pschyosocial Changes of a Toddler

    Learning to seak, basic language is mastered at 36 months, inreaction with other children causes the child to lrean life skills such as control or cause and effect, learn to recongize sexual differences
  • Period: to

    Preschool Age

    P 80-140 R 20-25 BP 80-100 T 98.6
  • Physical Changes of a Preschooler

    loss of passive immunity, so they get sick more often but will aquire their own immunity, brain weight is 90% that of an adult, muscle mass and bone denstiy increases
  • Psychosocial Changes of Preschooler

    Starting to gain independence through their speech, can use and understand full sentences, use language creativitly, not just for needs and wants, television and computer can help certain behavior be learned as well
  • Period: to

    School Age

    P 70-120 R 15-20 BP 80-110 T 98.6
  • Psychosocial Changes of a School Age Child

    Children learn different types of reasoning such as preconventional reasoning, conventional reasoning, and postconventional reasoning. Self esteem and personal identitiy begin to form
  • Physical Changes of a School Age Child

    Vital signs are similar to those of adults, most grow about 4lb and 2.5 inches a year, permanent teeth are present and brain activity increases.
  • Period: to


    P 60-100 R 12-20 BP 90-110 T 98.6
  • Physical Changes of an Adolescents

    Vital signs are similiar to those of adults, 2-3 year growth spurt, reproductive system matures
  • Period: to

    Early Adult

    P 60-100 R 12-20 BP 90-140 T 98.6
  • Physical Changes of an Early Adult

    Vitals don't change much, functionion at optimal level, lifelong habits are solidified, subtle erosion begins, height can be affected by spinial discs settling, reflexes slow and msucle strength decreases.
  • Psychosocial Changes of an Early Adult

    Work, Family, and Stress, settling down and finding a place in the world, falling in love, having kids, etc. The most stable period of life.
  • Period: to

    Middle Adult

    P 60-100 R 12-20 BP 90-140 T 98.6
  • Physical Changes of a Middle Adult

    Vitals remain the same, cadiovasular health can become an issue, as well as cancer, menopause can occur in women, diabetes and hypertenion may also occur but the adult may be unaware. Other issues like cholesterol levels, heart efficiency, and weight control
  • Psychosocial Changes of a Middle Adult

    Focus on achieving life goals, adjusting to empty nests, prepare for retirement, health is usually stable, need to take care of late adults and early adults.
  • Period: to

    Late Adult

    Pulse, Respirations, Systolic Blood Pressure and Temperature all depend on person's health
  • Psychosocial Changes of a Late Adult

    5 years before death old people start to lose brain function, worry about rising health care costs, facing their own morality, happy as long as they have money and a good support system
  • Physical Changes of a Late Adult

    VItal signs now depend on person's health, atherosclerosis, decrease in heart rate, stiff vascular system, less blood cells are created, surface area of alveoli is decreased, elasticity of diaphram decreases, loss of protection of the upper airway, decline of endocrine system function, reproductive systems are affected, intestines absorb less, and less in broken down, kidney function is decreased by 50%, brain may shrink, change in sleep patterns, brain has room to move which can cause trauma
  • Physical Changes of a Late Adult

    Nerve endings break down, loss of sense of touch, eye function decreases, hearing loss is common