Lifespan Development Timeline

  • reflexes

    Moro reflex, sucking reflex, rooting reflex, palmar grasp
  • nose breathers

  • weight

    gained at 30 grams/day
    6-8 lbs
  • Period: to


    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): 90-180
    Respirations (breaths/minute):30-60
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): 50-70
    Temperature (F): 98-100
  • can recognize faces, tracks objects with eyes

  • Period: to


    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): 100-160
    Respirations (breaths/minute): 25-50
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): 70-95
    Temperature (F): 96.8-99.6
  • infant airway

    "belly breathing"
    large tongue
    shorter and narrower airway
    makes for easy choking
  • posterior fontanelles fused

  • smiles and frowns, can bring objects to the mouth

  • reaches out to people drools

  • sleeps through the night, can tell family from strangers

  • teething begins, sits upright, one syllable words

  • breastfeeding gives immune system a boost

  • afraid of strangers, mood swings

  • responds to "no", can sit alone, plays peek-a-boo

  • Period: to

    anterior fontanelle fuses

  • can pull self up, places objects in mouth to explore them

  • responds to name, crawls efficiently

  • separation anxiety

  • walk without help, frustrated with restrictions

  • knows his or her name, can walk

  • weight is 3x that at birth

  • Period: to


    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): 90-150
    Respirations (breaths/minute): 20-30
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): 80-100
    Temperature (F): 96.8-99.6
  • neuromuscular growth

  • loses passive immunity (handed from mom)

  • trust/mistrust development

  • lungs continue to develop

  • gains an understanding of basic cause and effect

  • potty training done YAY

  • teething commences

  • psychosocial changes at 3 year mark

    starts interacting with peers (playing)
    goes from need-based language to creative use of language
    begin recognizing sexual differences by seeing role models
  • Period: to


    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): 80-140
    Respirations (breaths/minute):20-25
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): 80-100
    Temperature (F): 98.6
  • Mastery of basic language

  • preschooler physical changes

    Brain is at 90% of its adult weight
    increase in muscle mass and bone density
    begin growing at 2 lbs and 2.5" per year
  • Period: to

    School-Age Children

    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): 70-120
    Respirations (breaths/minute):15-20
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): 80-110
    Temperature (F): 98.6
  • more changes yay!

    permanent teeth start showing up
    both brain hemispheres show an increase in brain function (thank god its not just one, eh?)
    self concept and self esteem begin to develop
  • reasoning

    development of preconventional, conventional, and postconventional reasoning emerges
  • Puberty!!!

    2-3 year growth spurt starts
    Secondary Sexual Development starts
    independency increases causing conflict
    self-consciousness gets a rollin'
  • Period: to

    Adolescents (Teenagers)

    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): 60-100
    Respirations (breaths/minute):12-20
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): 90-110
    Temperature (F): 98.6
  • antisocial behavior peaks

  • Drugs/Alcohol use is likely to begin

  • Girls growth spurt ends

  • Period: to

    Early Adults

    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): 60-100
    Respirations (breaths/minute):12-20
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): 90-140
    Temperature (F): 98.6
  • physical details of the voting age person

    muscle mass and bone density are just about at adult levels
    lifelong habits are solidified, much like jello when left in the fridge
    reflexes and muscle growth is slow
    disks in the spine settle
    ability to eat without gaining weight starts to taper off
  • body functions at optimum level

  • work, family, and stress define the part of life

  • A desire to settle down develops

  • physical state likely to decrease

    vulnerability to sight and hearing loss becomes more prevalent
    risk of cancer increases
    underlying health issues rise to the surface
  • Period: to

    Middle Adults

    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): 60-100
    Respirations (breaths/minute):12-20
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): 90-140
    Temperature (F): 98.6
  • midlife crisis/empty nest syndrome happen

  • focus on attaining life goals and menopause

    hopefully a goal wasn't kids at this age
  • Period: to

    Late Adults

    Pulse Rate (beats/minute): depends on health
    Respirations (breaths/minute): depends on health
    Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg): depends on health
    Temperature (F): 98.6
  • digestive system diminishes

  • heart gets weaker

  • Respiratory system gets rusty

    airway size increases
    alveoli surface area decreases
    decreases cough and gag reflex
    ability to clear secreases goes down
    decreased upper airway function
  • money problems become most prominent concern

  • face their own mortality as friends and loved ones die

  • increasingly dependent on their loved ones for support, emotional, physical, or financial

  • if needs are met, capable maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle

  • endocrine system shuttin down

    insulin production drops
    metabolism decreases
    rigidity of the penis decreases
    hormone production decreases
    sexual desire still present
  • renal systems goin too

    kidnety fuction declines and filtration drops to roughly 50%
    nephron count drops
  • Nervouse system decreases

    brain weight decreases about 10-20%
    motor and sensory ability decline
    loss of neurons results in changing sleep patterns
    more susceptible to head trauma
    kinesthetic sense decreased
    reflexes slow and environmental awareness is reduced
  • sensory changes

    vision and hearing can be reduced
    eye mscles lose elasticity and motion capabilities
    visual distortion is common
    clear-focus diminished
    peripheral vision diminished
  • cardiac function declines

    largely related to antherosclerosis
  • terminal-drop hypothesis

    five years before death, brain function is pressumed to decline