Lifespan Development Timeline

  • Neonates (Birth to 1 Month)

    Pulse: 90-180 beats/min -> levels out to 120b/m
    Respiratory: 30-60 breaths/min -> 30-40b/m
    Weight: 6-8lbs typically, head accounts for 25% of weight
    Primarily nose breathers and prone to nasal infection
    Nervous: tend to move extremities together, Moro Reflex = opening arms wide to grab when startled, palmar grasp = grasping things placed in palms, rooting reflex = when something touches cheek, they will turn towards it. Fontanelles show pressure/hydration. Distress shown through crying
  • Infants (1 Month to 1 Year)

    BP: 70-95mmHg
    Respiratory: 20-30breaths/min
    Grow at rate of 1oz/day
    Less rigid rib cage, large tongue and small airway leads to choking, don't apply too much pressure to avoid barotrauma. By 2 months, can track objects with eyes and recognize familiar faces. At 6 months, can sit upright and begin cooing. By 12 months, can walk with assistance and knows name. Develop close relationships with parents by bonding. By 18 months infants need to have needs met to establish trust or mistrust.
  • Toddlers (1-3 Years)

    Pulse: 90-150beats/min
    Respiratory: 20-30breaths/min
    Body Temp: 96.8F-99.6F
    Loss of passive immunity
    Bladder control by 12-15 months or 18-30 months for most
    Develop independence (separation anxiety peaks at 10-18 months).
    Language mastery by 36 months.
    Playing with others and learning behaviors
  • Preschoolers (3-6 Years)

    Pulse: 80-140beats/min
    Respiratory: 20-25breaths/min
    BP: 80-100mmHg
    Weight gain levels off
    Developing greater motor skills
    Begin to learn behaviors and gender differences
  • School-Age Children (6-12 Years)

    Pulse: 70-120beats/min
    Respiratory: 15-20 breaths/min
    BP: 80-110mmHg
    Grow about 4lbs and 2.5in per year
    Permanent teeth grow in
    Brain activity increases
    Preconventional reasoning - avoid punishment
    Conventional reasoning - approval by peers
    Postconventional reasoning - based on conscience
    Begin to develop self-concept and self-esteem
  • Adolescents (12-18 Years)

    BP: 90-110 mmHg
    Pulse: 60-100beats/min
    Respiratory: 12-20breaths/min
    Growth spurt: Girls - 16 and Boys - 18
    Maturation of reproductive system, menstruation, acne
    Need for privacy and personal space.
    Trying to create identity.
    Antisocial behavior and peer pressure peak at 14-16 years -> smoking, illicit drug use, unprotected sex, and high risk behaviors
    Greatest rate of suicide and depression
  • Early Adults (19-40 Years)

    Pulse: 70 beats/min
    Respiratory: 12-20 breaths/min
    BP: 90-140mmHg
    Work, family, and stress
  • Middle Adults (41-60 Years)

    Pulse: 70beats/min
    Respiratory: 12-20breaths/min
    BP: 90-140mmHg
    Vulnerable to vision and hearing loss.
    Cardiovascular health is an issue as well as cancer
    Menopause begins for women in late 40s or early 50s.
    Many adults are unaware of conditions like diabetes or hypertension
    Increases in cholesterol levels and inability to control weight
    Focus on achieving life goals
  • Older Adults (61 Years and Older)

    Life expectancy - 78 years, max = 120
    Cardio functions decrease due to atherosclerosis, decrease in cardiac output, and stiff vessels
    Size of airways increase while alveoli decreases -> labor intensive breathing; upper airway diminishes; by 75 the vital capacity is 50% of a young adult's
    Hormone production decreases. Brain shrinks 10-20% by 80, changing sleep patterns, slower reaction times