Life Span DEvelopment

  • Birth Weight

    6 to 8 lbs
  • Period: to


    Pulse Rate: 90 to 180 BPM
    Respirations: 30 to 60 Breaths per Minute
    Systolic BP: 50 to 70 mmHg
    Temperature: 98 to 100 °F
  • Gain Weight

    30 grams a day
  • Reflexes

    Moro- when caught off guard, the neonate spreads arms wide
    Rooting- when touched cheek, neonate turns towards it
    Palmar Grasp- grabs things when placed in palm
    Sucking- when neonates lips are stroked, they suck (feeding)
  • Period: to


    Vital Signs:
    Pule Rate: 100 to 160 BPM
    Respirations: 25 to 50 Breaths per Minute
    Systolic BP: 70 to 95 mmHg
    Temperature: 96.8 to 99.6 °F
  • 2 Month Characteristics

    Can recognize farmiliar faces; able to track objects with eyes
  • 3 Month Characteristics

    Can bring objects to mouth; can simle/frown
  • 4 Month Characteristics

    Reaches to people; drools
  • 5 Month Characteristics

    Can tell family from strangers; sleeps through the night
  • 6 Month Characteristics

    Teething begins; sits upright in a chair; one syllable words
  • 7 Month Characteristics

    Afraid of strangers; mood swings
  • 8 Month Characteristics

    Responds to "no"; can sit alone; plays peek-a-boo
  • 9 Month Characteristics

    Pulls themselves up; placecs objects in mouth
  • 10 Month Characteristics

    Responds to name; crawls
  • 11 Month Characteristics

    Starts to walk without help; frustrated with restrictions
  • 12 Month Characteristics

    Knows name; can walk
  • Period: to


    Vital Signs:
    Pulse Rate: 90 to 150 BPM
    Respirations: 20 to 30 Breaths per Minute
    Systolic BP: 80 to 100 mmHg
    Temperature: 96.8 to 99.6 °F
  • Language

    Is learning to express ones self
  • Health and Development

    Loss of passive immunity
    Potty Training
  • Period: to

    Preschool Age

    Vital Signs:
    Pulse Rate: 80 to 140 BPM
    Respirations: 20 to 25 Breaths per Minute
    Systolic BP: 80 to 100 mmHg
    Temperature: 98.6 °F
  • Parental Relationships

    Separation Anxiety
  • Period: to

    School Age

    Vital Signs
    Pulse Rate: 70 to 120 BPM
    Respirations: 15 to 20 Breaths per Minute
    Systolic BP: 80 to 110 mmHg
    Temperature: 98.6 °F
  • Reasoning

    Preconventional- acting to avoid punishment
    Conventional- approval from peers and society
    Postconventional- decisions guided by conscience
  • Growth

    Growing 4 lbs a year and about 2.5 inches
  • Period: to


    Vital Signs
    Pulse Rate: 60 to 100 BPM
    Respirations: 12 to 20 Breaths per Minute
    Systolic BP: 90 to 110 mmHg
    Temperature: 98.6 °F
  • Body Changes

    2-3 year growth spurt
    Maturation of reproductive system (menstruation)
    Muscle mass and bone density near adult levels
    Secondary sexual development: public hair, breasts
  • Psychological Changes

    Privacy becomes an issue as teens get involved with unsafe habits while trying to find themselves. This may include drugs, alcohol, and unsafe sex. Depression is more common among teens because of their struggle to find their identity. "Responsibility of an adult, freedom of a two year old"
  • Period: to

    Early Adult

    Vital Signs
    Pulse Rate: 60 to 100 BPM
    Respirations: 12 to 20 Breaths per Minute
    Systolic BP: 90 to 140 mmHg
    Temperature: 98.6 °F
  • Psychosocial Changes

    Work, Stress, Family. These three words describe this period of life. People begin to settle down and have their own children.
  • Period: to

    Middle Adult

    Vital Signs
    Pulse Rate: 60 to 100 BPM
    Respirations: 12 to 20 Breaths per Minute
    Systolic BP: 90 to 140 mmHg
    Temperature: 98.6 °F
  • Physical Changes

    Vulenrable to vision and hearing loss.
    Cardiovascular health becomes an issue to many.
    Menopause begins in women.
  • Psychosocial Changes

    Focus on achieving lifes goals.
    Epmty nest syndrome
  • Period: to

    Late Adult

    Vital Signs
    Pulse Rate: Depends on Health
    Respirations: Depends on Health
    Systolic BP: Depends on Health
    Temperature: 98.6 °F
  • Physical Changes

    Life span has been expended due to diets, advances in medical care, and personal behaviors. Coronary vessles begin to calcify
    Surface area of alveoli decreases
    Metabolism increases
    Kidney function declines
    Dibilitating nervous system diseases
  • Psychosocial Changes

    Elderly people have amazing stories and insight to share; pay attention!
    5 years preceding death, brain function drops off. This is known as terminal drop hypothesis
    Elderly patients need to face their own mortality. This can be a very challenging issue. Depression once again becomes an issue.