
Life of Pi Time Period Timeline (1960-1979)

  • India and The Soviet Union Sign the Freindship Act

    India and The Soviet Union Sign the Freindship Act
    This picture shows the prime minister Gahndi signing the treaty and she is the reason that Pi and his family move to Canada.
  • Fourth Middle East War Begins

    Fourth Middle East War Begins
    This is happening while Pi is living in India.
  • Canada Supplies India with Nulear Missile Supplies

    Canada Supplies India with Nulear Missile Supplies
    This is related to the book because it related to Pi's homeland, India, and his new home, Canada.
  • India's Bomb test is a Success

    India's Bomb test is a Success
    This is related to the setting of Life of Pi
  • Period: to

    The Emergency

    This time period became the spark to why Pi's father sold his zoo, and moved them all to Canada; the basis for the whole story.
  • A French Airliner is Hijacked

    A French Airliner is Hijacked
    This related to the book because Pi meet a French man, who eventually tried to kill Pi, but fails.
  • Ireali forces rescued the captured

    Ireali forces rescued the captured
    "HISTORICAL EVENTS." : 1976-1980. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2014.
  • Blacks boycott the Montreal Olympics

    Blacks boycott the Montreal Olympics
    This relates to Pi because this took place in Canada, and this was in the year that Pi became issolated.
  • Apple Computer Introduced

    Apple Computer Introduced
    This related to the time preiod that Pi was issolated from the world and the tings that he could have missed.
  • 12,000 Police Occupy an university in Mexico City

    12,000 Police Occupy an university in Mexico City
    This relates to the book because Pi is rescued and his health restored in an infermary in Mexico.