
Life in Canada (1840-1890)

  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    During the 1800's many black slaves were kept inferiors. In the earliest part of the 1800's many attempts to free the slaves were made, but not many successful. As the situtation worsened black slavery became illegal in 1833 and the Underground Railroad project began. During this time, Harriet Tubman began to help many other slaves. As slaves escaped they crossed over into to Canada and settled. Today, many parts of Ontario were created by black slaves!
  • The Railway Act

    The Railway Act
    In the 1830's not much transportation was around. From 1830-1850 the first ever recorded, steam locomotives or Steam trains were constructed and built for the upcoming railroads. The first ever railroad was contructed in 1836 in the maritime colonies.
  • The Intercolonial Railway

    The Intercolonial Railway
    During 1867 and 1876, A condition was made between Canada and the maritime provinces. This condition was to build a railroad that could inter-connect regions. Sir Sandford Fleming was involved in the creating the railroad and even created standard timezones in 24 different regions across Canada, and the first ever stamp postage of the 1800's.
  • The Canadian Pacific

    The Canadian Pacific
    In 1855 the last of the large, wild, West Canadian land was sold. Many people such as George Brown, thought that they would need more forms of transport. That transportation would be Steam Locomotives. In 1862 Congress agreed to create: The Union Pacific, a railroad thyat would stretch from Missouri river to the wets coast, and the Northern Pacific that would run from Lake Superior to Pudget Sound. It would take a great deal of money and time.However, in 1872, the contruction abruptly stopped.
  • The Pacific Scandal

    The Pacific Scandal
    During 1872 a scandal called the Pacific Scandal arose. During this time it was revealed that Sir John A. Macdonald of the conservatives had been given $360,000 in election campaign funds by Sir Hugh Allan. In return, he was to be contracted in the building of the Canadian Pacific. This all was an issue because many people thought taking money from people is corrupted for the government and that he was favouring a railord contractor rather then others who wanted to work on it with not much pay.
  • Canadian Pacific Railway

    Canadian Pacific Railway
    A few years later after the Pacific Scandal, Sir John A. Macdonald was re-elected. During this time he wanted to try again on the Pacific Railroad by giving the job to a buisness called the Canadian Pacific Company. George Stephen managed the contruction till 1888 till Sir Willian Van Horne took over. It gained another seven hundread miles of rail and tax breaks. In 1883, the government demanded another 2.2 million but many people decided not to pay because it was already built.
  • American Immigration

    American Immigration
    While many Canadians generally didn't like Americans, the government positively encouraged immigration. Arround 1884 during a gold rush in Canada, a large group of Americans immigrated to Canada for the labour and abundance of land. Due to the similar climate, many Americans also chose to immigrate in hopes of new jobs, land, and a new way of life. quite popular. Steam locomotives also played a role in the mass immigration,