

  • Period: to

    Libya's timespan of population

  • Population in 1960

    Population in 1960
    The population in Libya was 1,349 million. The number was low (small) because in those times there were not many people living in Libya. Libya in the 1960 did not was not very large plus Libya was not a very tourist welcome place.
  • Population of Libya in 1965

    Population of Libya in 1965
    In Libya there were 1,623 million people living there in 1965. There was not a drastic change in numbers from 1960 to 1965 but, there are more people than years before because they had made more homes and buildings.
  • Population in Libya in1970

    Population in Libya in1970
    The population in 1970 in Libya was 1,994 million people. This was beucase they had built more communties and was also more famous.
  • Population of Libya in 1975

    Population of Libya in 1975
    There were 2,466 million people in 1975, more than in the 1960s but, still not a lot of people living there because even though it was a small but famous place people didn't want to live in a small area. Though some people did go and live there.
  • Population of Libya in 1980

    Population of Libya in 1980
    The population of Libya in the 1980's was 3.063 million. This was because Libiyans were just getting known. They also had this much people because they had a few religons that were colaberated.
  • Population of Libya in 1985

    Population of Libya in 1985
    The population of Libya in 1985 was 3.85 million people.
  • The population of Libya in the 1990s

    The population of Libya in the 1990s
    The population of Libya in 1990 was 4.33 million. The population was this way because after they had colaberated some of their religeons; Libya became even more famous than it was more and more people wanted to go live/ visit Libya.
  • Population of Libya in 1995

    Population of Libya in 1995
    The population of Libya in 1995 was 4.77 million. By this time, Libya was no longer just some small place where only a few people would live. Their econamy was growing larger and larger but, not as large as somewhere like China or Canada. Still compared to what they were in the 1960's then what they are now are different.
  • Population of Libya in 2000

    Population of Libya in 2000
    The population of Libya in 2000 was 5.23 milion because Libya had over come most of their obstacles; not saying that they don't but, less then what they were.
  • Population of Libya in 2005

    Population of Libya in 2005
    The population of Libya in 2005 was 5.76 million. After they're great accopmlishments their population grew. This was because many people had gone to live and made familes.
  • Population of Libya in 2010

    Population of Libya in 2010
    The population of Libya in 2010 was 6.35 million.
  • Final Thoughts!

    Final Thoughts!
    Libya's population is getting bigger and bigger, just like most other countries. What we noticed in this project was Libya worked really hard throughout the years to keep this many people living there by keeping their economy in-tact and keeping their choices about religion and government flexible which ultimately made people want to live there more. Our group was quite impressed how Libya did so much to keep people living there, concidering the conditions they were in, in the beggining.