Library proof of concept

  • UW Founded

    UW Founded
    UW Website The University of Washington was founded on November 4, 1861 and originally opened as the <b>Territorial University of Washington.</b>.
  • Suzzallo Library opens

    Suzzallo Library opens
    UW Libraries website Named after former University of Washington president Henry Suzzallo, the library opened in 1926.
  • Suzzallo Library Naming

    Suzzallo Library Naming
    Following his death in 1933, the library was named after Henry Suzzallo as it was his crown jewel during his administration as president of the University of Washington.
  • South wing complete

    South wing complete
    The second phase of the library, the South wing, was completed in 1935. The Grand Staircase was also built at this time.
  • Period: to

    Test timespan

    This is a test of the timespan function.
  • Third wing complete

    Third wing complete
    This addition added a floor between the first and second floors of the original building.
  • Allen Library built

    Allen Library built
    The Allen Library was completed in 1990. It is named after former associate director of the University library system Kenneth S. Allen, father of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.