• Sputnik 1

    It was the first satellite to be into earth's orbit. The launching of Sputnik 1 was by the Soviet Union when they bean the "space war" with the United States.
  • NASA formed

    NASA formed
    This association or called NASA was formed by the United States during the space race. Ths association controls all launches that go off into space.
  • First American into Space

    NASA sent the first american into space was a man named Alan Shepard after the Russians sent a man into space.
  • First (Russian) Woman in Space

    Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space sent by the Soviet Union. She was the one choosen from 400 other people.
  • First American Spacewalk

    Ed White was the first American to actually complete a spacewalk. He was sent on the mission Genmi 4.
  • Luna 9

    Lun 9 was the first luna to have a soft landing. This Luna was sent by the Russians. Luna 9 took pictures of space such as the moon.
  • Luna 10

    Luna 10 was the first aircraft to orbit the moon.
  • Soyuz 1

    Soyuz 1 was in control by a man named Valdimir Komarow. When it returned back to earth some problems caused a crash and the death of Valdimir Komarow.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11 was the first launch to go to the moon and that was a project for the Unted States. When this happened the United States has susscessed an achevement before the Soviet Unions.
  • Apollo 17 Return

    Apollo 17 was the most recent moon landing by the United States. This mission took 12 days and since that day no mission has been launched to the moon again.