
Laurel EMS - 2020

  • 21st Century Furniture

    21st Century Furniture
    All classrooms will be equipped with mobile classroom furniture to facilitate a collaborative learning environment.
  • 1:1 Devices - ISTE NET Standards

    1:1 Devices - ISTE NET Standards
    All students, grades TK - 6, will have a mobile device for use in school (TK-1: iPads; 2-6: Chromebooks).
  • Laurel Elementary Magnet School of I.C.E. OPENS!

    Laurel Elementary Magnet School of I.C.E. OPENS!
    Brea's first magnet school, with an emphasis on Innovation and Career Exploration (I.C.E.) opens its doors to 389 PK - 6th students.
  • Monthly Principal's Coffee

    Monthly Principal's Coffee
    Emphasis on 21st Century Learning and the instructional/learning shifts of Laurel Elementary Magnet for the 2016-2017 school year.
  • Project Based Learning

    Project Based Learning
    Implementation of PBL in all grades - minimum of 1 schoolwide PBL unit per trimester.
  • School Wide Digital Citizenship

    School Wide Digital Citizenship
    Implement a school wide focus on digital citizenship lessons. We will begin with Common Sense Media. (
  • Begin Parent University

    Begin Parent University
    Emphasis on parent driven learning. (Examples: English, computer skills, school/home communication)
  • Environmental Science Showcase

    Environmental Science Showcase
    Emphasis on implementation of NGSS standards. School wide PBL showcase focused on environmental science. Work with AP Environmental Science teacher at BOHS and community partnerships.
  • Career Exploration Showcase

    Career Exploration Showcase
    Schoolwide showcase of career exploration PBL with community based partners.
  • Stakeholder Survey

    Stakeholder Survey
    Complete first year of implementation of the Laurel Elementary Magnet School of Innovation and Career Exploration with a stakeholder survey to determine successes and needs for future areas of focus.
  • Project Lead the Way

    Project Lead the Way
    All 6th grade students will participate in and complete the PLTW Design & Modeling course. This opportunity will allow students to skip this elective course at Brea Junior High and move on to higher levels of STEM electives if interested.
  • Lesson Study

    Lesson Study
    Begin year long implementation of grade level team lesson study design as a school wide practice and PLC.
  • Student Led Conferences

    Student Led Conferences
    Transform conferences from reporting how students are doing (parents will know based on frequent communication) to students sharing work, learning, and learning goals for the upcoming year.
  • School to Home 1:1 Devices - Begin with upper grade

    School to Home 1:1 Devices - Begin with upper grade
    Work with district IT department and parent community to provide processes to allow students in 5th & 6th grade to take their 1:1 devices home for projects, research, and other school related work.
  • Model Classrooms

    Model Classrooms
    Open classrooms and school for school visits of model classrooms and instructional practices. Share with other district teachers, leaders, and community members.
  • Homework Reform

    Homework Reform
    Begin to put into writing a reform of student homework. What are our goals for homework? What are our expectations? How has flipped learning changed our assignments?
  • Elementary AVID

    Elementary AVID
    Implementation of the elementary AVID program as another pathway into Brea Junior High elective programs, along with PLTW.
  • Grading Reform

    Grading Reform
    Implementation of standards based, learning based grading. This will culminate frequent dialogue and coaching of both teachers and the parent community to prepare for successful implementation.
  • Sustain Most Promising Practices

    Sustain Most Promising Practices
    Maintain and sustain promising practices that have shown success in school and student learning (PBL, PBIS, technology integration, magnet TOSA) throughout the 2018-2019 school year. Continue to evaluate and revise program implementation as necessary. We are never done!
  • 6th Grade Exit Interviews

    6th Grade Exit Interviews
    Students will showcase and share their portfolios of innovative and career based learning to community, business, and education partners.
  • Teacher Leaders

    Teacher Leaders
    Continue to provide opportunities for teaching staff to hone their skills as teacher leaders. Laurel EMS teachers will present at local and state conferences as well as continue to open their PLC and classrooms via lesson study and model classroom observations. Additionally, site PD will be guided and led by teacher leaders as much as possible.
  • Closing the Achievement Gap

    Closing the Achievement Gap
    We will focus our study of growth on our significant subgroups (English learners, Hispanic/Latino. Socio-economically disadvantaged) and see no major variation of success between students.